Download and Install several Software the lazy way with the Evergreen module from Aaron Parker, Bronson Magnan and Trond Eric Haarvarstein.
To update or download a software package just switch from 0 to 1 in the section "Select software" (With PowerShell parameter -list) or select your Software out of the GUI.
Don't forget to set the Software Version, Update Ring, Architecture and so on.
A new folder for every single package will be created, together with a version file and a log file.
If a new version is available the script checks the version number and will update the package.
I'm no powershell expert, so I'm sure there is much room for improvements!
So let me hear your feedback, I will try to include everything as much as I can.
2021-01-29 Initial Version
2021-01-30 Error solved: No installation without parameters / Add WinSCP Install
2021-01-31 Error solved: Installation Workspace App -> Wrong Variable / Error solved: Detection acute version 7-Zip -> Limitation of the results
2021-02-01 Add Gui Mode as Standard
2021-02-02 Add Install OpenJDK / Add Install VMWare Tools / Add Install Oracle Java 8 / Add Install Adobe Reader DC
2021-02-03 Addition of verbose comments. Chrome and Edge customization regarding disabling services and scheduled tasks.
2021-02-04 Correction OracleJava8 detection / Add Environment Variable $env:evergreen for script path
2021-02-12 Add Download Citrix Hypervisor Tools, Greenshot, Firefox, Foxit Reader & Filezilla / Correction Citrix Workspace Download & Install Folder / Adding Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility
2021-02-14 Change Adobe Acrobat DC Downloader
2021-02-15 Change MS Teams Downloader / Correction GUI Select All / Add Download MS Apps 365 & Office 2019 Install Files / Add Uninstall and Install MS Apps 365 & Office 2019
2021-02-18 Correction Code regarding location of scripts at MS365Apps and MSOffice2019. Removing Download Time Files.
2021-02-19 Implementation of new GUI / Add choice of architecture option in 7-Zip / Add choice of language option in Adobe Reader DC / Add choice of architecture option in Citrix Hypervisor Tools / Add choice of release option in Citrix Workspace App (Merge LTSR and CR script part)
2021-02-22 Add choice of architecture, language and channel (Latest and ESR) options in Mozilla Firefox / Add choice of language option in Foxit Reader / Add choice of architecture option in Google Chrome / Add choice of channel, architecture and language options in Microsoft 365 Apps / Add choice of architecture option in Microsoft Edge / Add choice of architecture and language options in Microsoft Office 2019 / Add choice of update ring option in Microsoft OneDrive
2021-02-23 Correction Microsoft Edge Download / Google Chrome Version File
2021-02-25 Set Mark Jump markers for better editing / Add choice of architecture and update ring options in Microsoft Teams / Add choice of architecture option in Notepad++ / Add choice of architecture option in openJDK / Add choice of architecture option in Oracle Java 8
2021-02-26 Add choice of version type option in TreeSize / Add choice of version type option in VLC-Player / Add choice of version type option in VMWare Tools / Fix installed version detection for x86 / x64 for Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, 7-Zip, Citrix Hypervisor Tools, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft365, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Edge, Notepad++, openJDK, Oracle Java 8, VLC Player and VMWare Tols/ Correction Foxit Reader gui variable / Correction version.txt for Microsoft Teams, Notepad++, openJDK, Oracle Java 8, VLC Player and VMWare Tools
2021-02-28 Implementation of LastSetting memory
2021-03-02 Add Microsoft Teams Citrix Api Hook / Correction En dash Error
2021-03-05 Adjustment regarding merge #122 (Get-AdobeAcrobatReader)
2021-03-10 Fix Citrix Workspace App File / Adding advanced logging for Microsoft Teams installation
2021-03-13 Adding advanced logging for BIS-F, Citrix Hypervisor Tools, Google Chrome, KeePass, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, mRemoteNG, Open JDK and VLC Player installation / Adobe Reader Registry Filter Customization / New install parameter Foxit Reader
2021-03-14 New Install Parameter Adobe Reader DC, Mozilla Firefox and Oracle Java 8 / GUI new Logo Location
2021-03-15 New Install Parameter Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Teams / Post Setup Customization FSLogix, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft FSLogix
2021-03-16 Fix Silent Installation of Foxit Reader / Delete Public Desktop Icon of Microsoft Teams, VLC Player and Foxit Reader / Add IrfanView in GUI / Add IrfanView Install and Download / Add Microsoft Teams Developer Ring
2021-03-22 Add Comments / Add (AddScript) to find the places faster when new application is added / Change Install Logging function / Change Adobe Pro DC Download request
2021-03-23 Added the possibility to delete Microsoft Teams AutoStart in the GUI / Change Microsoft Edge service to manual
2021-03-24 Add Download Microsoft PowerShell, Microsoft .Net, RemoteDesktopManager, deviceTRUST and Zoom
2021-03-25 Add Download Slack and ShareX / Add new Software to GUI
2021-03-26 Add Pending Reboot Check / Add Install RemoteDesktopManager / Icon Delete Public Desktop for KeePass, mRemoteNG, WinSCP and VLC Player
2021-03-29 Correction Microsoft FSLogix registry entries / Correction Microsoft OneDrive Installer / Add Install Microsoft .Net Framework, ShareX, Slack and Microsoft PowerShell / Correction Zoom and deviceTRUST Download
2021-03-30 Add Install Zoom + Zoom Plugin for Citrix Receiver and deviceTRUST (Client, Host and Console)
Don't start the GUI to select the Software Packages and use the hardcoded list in the script (From line 517).
If neither parameter -Download or -Install is also used, both processes will be executed.
# Select Language (If this is selectable at download)
# 0 = Danish
# 1 = Dutch
# 2 = English
# 3 = Finnish
# 4 = French
# 5 = German
# 6 = Italian
# 7 = Japanese
# 8 = Korean
# 9 = Norwegian
# 10 = Polish
# 11 = Portuguese
# 12 = Russian
# 13 = Spanish
# 14 = Swedish
$Language = 2
# Select Architecture (If this is selectable at download)
# 0 = x64
# 1 = x86
$Architecture = 0
# Software Release / Ring / Channel / Type ?!
# Citrix Workspace App
# 0 = Current Release
# 1 = Long Term Service Release
$CitrixWorkspaceAppRelease = 1
# deviceTRUST
# 0 = Client
# 1 = Host
# 2 = Console
# 3 = Client + Host
# 4 = Host + Console
$deviceTRUSTPackage = 1
# Microsoft .Net Framework
# 0 = Current Channel
# 1 = LTS (Long Term Support) Channel
$MSDotNetFrameworkChannel = 1
# Microsoft 365 Apps
# 0 = Current (Preview) Channel
# 1 = Current Channel
# 2 = Monthly Enterprise Channel
# 3 = Semi-Annual Enterprise (Preview) Channel
# 4 = Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel
$MS365AppsChannel = 4
# Microsoft OneDrive
# 0 = Insider Ring
# 1 = Production Ring
# 2 = Enterprise Ring
$MSOneDriveRing = 2
# Microsoft PowerShell
# 0 = Stable Release
# 1 = LTS (Long Term Support) Release
$MSPowerShellRelease = 1
# Microsoft Teams
# 0 = Developer Ring
# 1 = Preview Ring
# 2 = General Ring
$MSTeamsRing = 2
# Microsoft Teams AutoStart
# 0 = AutoStart Microsoft Teams
# 1 = No AutoStart (Delete HKLM Registry Entry)
$MSTeamsNoAutoStart = 0
# Mozilla Firefox
# 0 = Current
# 1 = ESR
$FirefoxChannel = 0
# Remote Desktop Manager
# 0 = Free
# 1 = Enterprise
$RemoteDesktopManagerType = 0
# Slack
# 0 = Per Machine
# 1 = Per User
$SlackPlatform = 0
# TreeSize
# 0 = Free
# 1 = Professional
$TreeSizeType = 0
# Zoom
# 0 = VDI Installer
# 1 = VDI Installer + Citrix Plugin
$ZoomCitrixClient = 1
# Select software
# 0 = Not selected
# 1 = Selected
$7ZIP = 0
$AdobeProDC = 0 # Only Update @ the moment
$AdobeReaderDC = 0
$BISF = 0
$Citrix_Hypervisor_Tools = 0
$Citrix_WorkspaceApp = 0
$deviceTRUST = 0
$Filezilla = 0
$Firefox = 0
$Foxit_Reader = 0
$FSLogix = 0
$GoogleChrome = 0
$Greenshot = 0
$IrfanView = 0
$KeePass = 0
$mRemoteNG = 0
$MSDotNetFramework = 0
$MS365Apps = 0 # Automatically created install.xml is used. Please replace this file if you want to change the installation.
$MSEdge = 0
$MSOffice2019 = 0 # Automatically created install.xml is used. Please replace this file if you want to change the installation.
$MSOneDrive = 0
$MSPowerShell = 0
$MSTeams = 0
$NotePadPlusPlus = 0
$OpenJDK = 0
$OracleJava8 = 0
$RemoteDesktopManager = 0
$Slack = 0
$ShareX = 0
$TreeSize = 0
$VLCPlayer = 0
$VMWareTools = 0
$WinSCP = 0
$Zoom = 0
For example, to automate the process via Scheduled Task or to integrate this into BIS-F (Thx Matthias Schlimm for your work).
Only download the selected software packages in list Mode (-list).
Only install the selected software packages in list Mode (-list).
.\Evergreen.ps1 -list -download
Download the selected Software out of the list.
.\Evergreen.ps1 -list -install
Install the selected Software out of the list.
.\Evergreen.ps1 -list
Download and install the selected Software out of the list.
Starts the GUI to select the mode (Install and/or Download) and the software (Release, Update Ring, Language, etc.).
If Download is selected, the module is checked each time the script is run and reinstalled if a new version is available.
Line 856 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For 7-ZIP this is an exe file.
Line 890 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the version).
For Adobe Pro DC this is the update package (msp file).
Only update @ the moment, no installer!
After the update, the Adobe service and scheduled task will be stopped and disabled.
Line 923 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 and the language in line 628 for non GUI start).
The architecture can only be changed to x64 for the English package at the moment.
After the installation, the Adobe service and scheduled task will be stopped and disabled.
Line 956 defines which package is downloaded.
For BIS-F this is the msi file.
After the installation, the scripts will be adjusted regarding task offload, RSS activation and DEP deactivation.
Line 989 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non-GUI startup).
For Citrix Hypervisor Tools this is the x64 msi file (LTSR Path).
For Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, you can change to version in line 989.
Line 1023 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the release on line 639 for non GUI start).
Before the installation of the new receiver, the old one is uninstalled via Receiver CleanUp Tool.
The installation is executed with the following parameters (from line 2335): /forceinstall /silent /EnableCEIP=false /FORCE_LAA=1 /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled /ALLOWADDSTORE=S /ALLOWSAVEPWD=S /includeSSON /ENABLE_SSON=Yes After the installation, various registry keys are set (from line 2354).
As always, after installing the new WorkspaceApp, the system should be rebooted.
Line 819 define which package are installed in the non-GUI start.
For deviceTRUST Client this is an exe file and for the Console / Host this is a msi file.
Line 1064 defines which package is downloaded.
For Filezilla this is the exe file.
Filezilla is installed with the parameter /user=all for all users.
Line 1097 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the language in line 628 for non GUI start).
For Foxit Reader this is an exe file.
Line 1131 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For Google Chrome this is the msi file.
After the installation the Chrome services and scheduled tasks will be stopped and disabled.
Line 1165 defines which package is downloaded.
For Greenshot this is an exe file.
Line 1242 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for a non-GUI start).
For IrfanView this is an exe file.
Line 1276 defines which package is downloaded.
For KeePass this is the msi file.
Line 1608 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 805 and the Channel in line 824 for a non-GUI start).
For Microsoft .Net Framework this is an exe file.
Line 1309 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the channel in line 647 for non GUI start).
For Microsoft 365 Apps this is the exe setup file.
During the download not only the setup.exe is downloaded, but also the following xml files are created, if they are not already present in the folder:
remove.xml (from line 1321)
install.xml (from line 1346)
Afterwards the install.xml is used to download the required install files.
Before installing the new Microsoft 365 Apps version, the previous installation is removed (remove.xml).
After that the reinstall of the software starts (install.xml).
An install.xml with the special features of the own installation can be stored and used in advance (e.g. Languages, App Exclusion or Inclusion (Visio & Project)).
By default, the following is defined in install.xml (64Bit / Match OS Language / Semi Annual Channel):
<Add Channel="SemiAnnual" OfficeClientEdition="64" SourcePath="<Path to Evergreen Folder>\MS 365 Apps (Semi Annual Channel)">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Teams"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive"/>
<Display AcceptEULA="TRUE" Level="None"/>
<Logging Level="Standard" Path="%temp%"/>
<Property Value="1" Name="SharedComputerLicensing"/>
<Property Value="TRUE" Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN"/>
<Updates Enabled="FALSE"/>
Line 1418 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For Microsoft Edge this is the msi file.
Microsoft Edge is installed with the parameter that don't create icons (Desktop and Quickstart).
After the installation, the scheduled tasks of Microsoft Edge are disabled and the Citrix API Hooks are set in the registry.
Line 1453 defines which package is downloaded.
For FSLogix this is the zip package.
With FSLogix installation, the old installation, if present, is uninstalled first and a restart is requested.
Then the script must be started again, so that the new version is installed cleanly.
Not only the FSLogix Agent is installed, but also the FSLogix AppRule Editor.
Line 1493 defines which package is downloaded.
For Microsoft Office 2019 this is the exe setup file for Office 2019 Enterprise.
During the download not only the setup.exe is downloaded, but also the following xml files are created, if they are not already present in the folder:
remove.xml (from line 1505)
install.xml (from line 1530)
Afterwards the install.xml is used to download the required install files.
Before installing the new Microsoft Office 2019 version, the previous installation is removed (remove.xml).
After that the reinstall of the software starts (install.xml).
An install.xml with the special features of the own installation can be stored and used in advance (e.g. Languages or architecture).
By default, the following is defined in install.xml (64Bit / Match OS Language):
<Add Channel="PerpetualVL2019" OfficeClientEdition="64" SourcePath="<Path to Evergreen Folder>\MS2019">
<Product ID="ProPlus2019Volume">
<Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Teams"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive"/>
<Display AcceptEULA="TRUE" Level="None"/>
<Logging Level="Standard" Path="%temp%"/>
<Property Value="1" Name="SharedComputerLicensing"/>
<Property Value="TRUE" Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN"/>
<Updates Enabled="FALSE"/>
Line 1602 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the update ring in line 653 for non GUI start).
For Microsoft OneDrive this is the Production Ring exe file.
Microsoft OneDrive is installed with the Machine Based Install parameter.
Line 1974 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 805 and the Release in line 843 for a non-GUI start).
For Microsoft PowerShell this is a msi file.
Line 1637 and 1640 define which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 and update ring in line 659 for non GUI start).
For Microsoft Teams this is the x64 msi file (General Ring).
Microsoft Teams is installed with the Machine Based Install parameters.
Line 1675 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633, language in line 628 and the channel in line 669 for non GUI start).
For Firefox this is the english x64 msi file (Latest Firefox Version).
Firefox is installed with the parameter that disables the creation of the icons and the the maintenance service.
Line 1709 defines which package is downloaded.
For mRemoteNG this is the msi file.
Line 1742 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For Notepad++ this is the x64 exe file.
Line 1776 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For OpenJDK this is the x64 msi file.
Line 1810 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For Oracle Java 8 this is the x64 msi file.
Line 2223 and 2257 define which package is downloaded (You can change the version in line 864 for a non-GUI start).
For Remote Desktop Manager this is a msi file.
Line 2290 define which package is downloaded.
For ShareX this is an exe file.
Line 2323 define which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 and the version in line 869 for a non-GUI start).
For Slack this is a msi file.
Line 1846 and 1877 define which package is downloaded (You can change the version in line 674 for non GUI start).
For TreeSize this is the exe file.
Line 1912 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For VLC Player this is the x64 msi file.
Line 1946 defines which package is downloaded (You can change the architecture in line 633 for non GUI start).
For VMWare Tools this is the x64 exe file.
With VMWare Tools installation, the old installation, if present, is uninstalled first and a restart is requested.
Then the script must be started again, so that the new version is installed cleanly.
Line 1980 defines which package is downloaded.
For WinSCP this is the exe file.
Line 2526 defines which package is downloaded.
For Zoom this is the exe file.
In GitHub I have placed a sample lnk file under shortcut, as well as the Evergreen Script logo as an icon file.
Change the path after the -file parameter to the location of your Evergreen Script folder.