The trader service provides the UI for the Portfolio sample. The main entry point is the summary servlet, which lets you choose an operation and a portfolio to act upon. It transfers control to other servlets, such as addPortfolio, viewPortfolio, and addStock, each of which transfers control back to summary when done. The viewPortfolio and addStock servlets expect a query param named owner.
Each page has a header and footer image, and there's an index.html that redirects to the summary servlet.
The servlets just concern themselves with constructing the right HTML to return. The UI is very basic; there is no use of JavaScript or anything fancy. All of the real logic is in the, which contains all of the REST calls to the Portfolio microservice, and appropriate JSON wrangling.
You can hit the main entry point by entering a URL such as http://localhost:9080/trader/summary
in your
browser's address bar.