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Parameters and parametrization
Pekka Koskinen edited this page Dec 14, 2015
8 revisions
- Hotbit as such does not contain that many parametrizations
- Some DFTB parametrizations are available at [http://www.dftb.org]. These tables are compatible with Hotbit, but a seperate license agreement with the maintainers of these tables is required in order to use them.
- Some first-trial -parametrizations exist (in folder
)- Do not use these for publication-quality data
- In general,
- there are no unique parametrizations
- never construct, use and publish results with parametrizations, unless you know what you are doing
- if you construct new parametrizations, please deliver them to hotbit and general use
- Units:
- Bohr and Hartree in atom calculations (ASE interface not even needed)
- Bohr and Hartree in Slater-Koster table compilation (ASE interface not even needed)
- eV and Ångström in repulsion fitting (ASE interface is needed)
- Couple of examples of fitting come with the code (try shell guide;
hotbit -e
). - Schematic of the fitting process:
- To get free-atom on-site energies for valence electrons
- LDA (Perder-Wang 92) calculation for atom without additional confinements
- Used to make the
from hotbit.parametrization.atom import KSAllElectron
from hotbit.parametrization.util import IP_EA
from time import asctime
Create the element file for C
- contains the single-particle energy levels
- Hubbard parameter U
- FWHM-value (calculated from U)
- possibly comments about the parametrization
# element to parametrize
element = 'C'
# lowest orbital that can accept electrons
add_orb = '2p'
# sometimes adding full electron causes the convergence problems,
# so add a fraction of an electron and interpolate
add = 0.67
# highest occupied orbital
remove_orb = '2p'
# how many electrons to remove
remove = 1
# solve the atom with charges add, 0 and remove,
# and calculate ionization potential and electron affinity
IP, EA, atom = IP_EA(element, remove_orb, add_orb, remove, add)
# the Hubbard parameter is then
# save the results into an element file
f = open("C.elm",'w')
print >> f, "symbol=%s" % element
print >> f, "comment="
print >> f, asctime()
print >> f, "Energy levels from DFT"
# an empty line after the comments
print >> f, ""
for va in atom.get_valence_energies():
print >> f, "epsilon_%s= %0.6f" % va
print >> f, "U= %0.6f" % U
print >> f, "FWHM= %0.6f" % (1.32856/U)
# save the radial parts of the wave functions
- To get wave functions for the atoms (in molecules)
- Compression mimics the fact, that while atoms are bound to molecules or solids, their wave functions are more compressed and not as diffuse as for a free atom.
- Use quadratic external potential V_ext(r)=-Z/r + (r/!r0)**2 (Frauenheim type confinement)
- r0 is the first parameter in the parametrization process; rule of thumb r0=1.85*(covalent radius)
from hotbit.parametrization.atom import KSAllElectron
from box.data import data
Bohr = 0.52917725750691647
# The element parameters, r0 must be in Bohrs
elem1 = 'H'
r0_cov_1 = data[elem1]['R_cov']/Bohr
r0_factor_1 = 1.85
r0_1 = r0_cov_1 * r0_factor_1
elem2 = 'C'
r0_cov_2 = data[elem2]['R_cov']/Bohr
r0_factor_2 = 1.85
r0_2 = r0_cov_2 * r0_factor_2
# Calculate wave functions for the confined isolated atoms
atom1 = KSAllElectron(elem1, confinement={'mode':'quadratic', 'r0':r0_1})
atom2 = KSAllElectron(elem2, confinement={'mode':'quadratic', 'r0':r0_2})
# Produce png-files from the radial parts of the wave functions
- To get Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements for elementary two-center integrals as a function of distance
- Use wave functions from previous calculation.
- Output is the {{{.par}}} file without short range repulsion.
# Add this to the previous script
from hotbit.parametrization.slako import SlaterKosterTable
# Slater-Koster table limits and the number of points
R1 = 1
R2 = 10
N = 50
# The output file
file = '%s_%s_no_repulsion.par' % (elem1, elem2)
# Create the Slater-Koster table
sk = SlaterKosterTable(atom1, atom2)
sk.run(R1, R2, N)
- To get the simple short range repulsive potential (=repulsion of ionic cores + all possible corrections)
- Before repulsion fitting, the electronic structure (Slater-Koster tables, on-site energies, Hubbard-U, FWHM,...) should be completely fixed. (Otherwise, if electronic parameters change, you need to fit the repulsion all over again.)
- Use bunch of DFT-optimized structures; in principle E_DFT - E_(band structure + coulomb) = E_(repulsion). Use this information to construct the derivative of V_rep(R) (Collect points to (R,V_rep'(R)), fit a smooth polynomial to this data, and integrate to get V_rep(R)).
- This repulsion is added into the
-file containing the Slater-Koster tables.
from ase import *
from hotbit import *
from hotbit.parametrization.fitting import RepulsiveFitting
# force the hotbit to use CC-table where the repulsion is missing
tables = {'CC':'C_C_no_repulsion.par', 'others':'default'}
# for parametrization calculations it might be good idea to increase
# the convergence criteria
mixer_values = {'name':'anderson', 'convergence':1e-9}
# the fitting object (element1, element2, r_cut)
rep=RepulsiveFitting('C','C', 2.0)
# now use various methods if RepulsiveFitting to collect information about V_rep'(R)
# For each fitting method one must provide a suitable tight-binding calculator,
# i.e., one that has correct charge and other parameters.
# for dimer append_energy_curve is suitable
calc = Hotbit(mixer=mixer_values, tables=tables, txt='-')
rep.append_energy_curve(1, calc, 'dimer.traj', label='dimer',color='yellow')
# append energy curve can be used if there are many bond lengths of the
# same lengths, and the rest can be ignored (e.g. chain)
rep.append_energy_curve(1, calc, 'chain.traj', label='chain')
# if there are different bond lengths, then append_homogeneous_structure
# can be used. If the reference (DFT) calculations was charged,
# then another calculator must be created with correct charge.
calc = Hotbit(mixer=mixer_values, tables=tables, txt='-', charge=-1)
rep.append_homogeneous_cluster(0.5, calc, 'homog.traj',label='homogeneous', color='green')
# The append_energy_curve method also works with periodic calculations.
# ASE-trajectory contains the pbc-info, but for now one must disable
# the SCC with bulk calculations.
calc_bulk = Hotbit(mixer=mixer_values, tables=tables, txt='-', SCC=False)
rep.append_energy_curve(1, calc_bulk, 'bulk.traj', label='bulk')
# make the fit
# write final parametrization file
# check if the fitting looks reasonable (produces a pdf)
- r0
- 1.85*covalent radius
- Things to look at:
- Bulk band structure
- Energy curves (e.g. dimer) beyond cutoff
- Hubbard-U
- U=(ionization energy)-(electron affinity)=IE-EA
- Things to look at:
- Charge transfer for heteronuclear systems
- Ionization energies for clusters
- Linear response (LR-TD-DFTB)
- U=1.32856/FWHM (from on-site interaction)
- Things to look at: (as with hubbard-U)
- Repulsive fitting:
- Notes & things to look at:
- Repulsion fitting affects only geometry and energy. Electronic structure should already be tuned.
- smooting parameter s: larger s, smoother V_rep'(R) -curve
- Repulsion cutoff r_cut: affects also absolute energies
- If data points in V_rep'(R) are scattered, try improving electronic structure