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add new script for making a clones file from 10x VDJ output
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phbradley committed Jul 9, 2019
1 parent 5a48aec commit 4f83df3
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Showing 2 changed files with 240 additions and 7 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
from basic import *
import parse_tsv
from collections import Counter

# yes, this is very silly, should just add pandas dependency
def parse_csv_file( csvfile ):
header = None
all_info = []
for line in open(csvfile,'rU'):
l = parse_tsv.safely_split_csv_line( line[:-1] )
if header is None:
header = l
all_info.append( dict( zip( header,l ) ) )
return header, all_info

def read_tcr_data( organism, contig_annotations_csvfile, consensus_annotations_csvfile,
include_gammadelta = False, allow_unknown_genes = False ):
""" Parse tcr data, only taking 'productive' tcrs
clonotype2tcrs, clonotype2barcodes
from all_genes import all_genes

expected_gene_names = all_genes[organism].keys()

#from cdr3s_human import all_align_fasta

gene_suffix = '*01' # may not be used

# read the contig annotations-- map from clonotypes to barcodes
# barcode,is_cell,contig_id,high_confidence,length,chain,v_gene,d_gene,j_gene,c_gene,full_length,productive,cdr3,cdr3_nt,reads,umis,raw_clonotype_id,raw_consensus_id
assert exists( contig_annotations_csvfile )

_, lines = parse_csv_file(contig_annotations_csvfile)
clonotype2barcodes = {}
for l in lines:
bc = l['barcode']
clonotype = l['raw_clonotype_id']
if clonotype =='None':
if l['productive'] not in [ 'None','False' ]:
assert l['productive'] == 'True'
#print 'clonotype==None: unproductive?',l['productive']
if clonotype not in clonotype2barcodes:
clonotype2barcodes[clonotype] = []
if bc in clonotype2barcodes[clonotype]:
#print 'repeat barcode'
clonotype2barcodes[clonotype].append( bc )

## now read details on the individual chains for each clonotype
# ==> tcr/human/JCC176_TX2_TCR_consensus_annotations.csv <==
# clonotype_id,consensus_id,length,chain,v_gene,d_gene,j_gene,c_gene,full_length,productive,cdr3,cdr3_nt,reads,umis
# clonotype100,clonotype100_consensus_1,550,TRB,TRBV24-1*01,TRBD1*01,TRBJ2-7*01,TRBC2*01,True,True,CATSDPGQGGYEQYF,TGTGCCACCAGTGACCCCGGACAGGGAGGATACGAGCAGTACTTC,8957,9

assert exists(consensus_annotations_csvfile)
_, lines = parse_csv_file( consensus_annotations_csvfile )

## first get clonotypes with one alpha and one beta
clonotype2tcrs = {}

for l in lines:
if l['productive'] == 'True':
id = l['clonotype_id']
if id not in clonotype2tcrs:
# dictionaries mapping from tcr to umi-count
clonotype2tcrs[id] = { 'A':Counter(), 'B':Counter() } #, 'G':[], 'D': [] }
assert id in clonotype2barcodes

ch = l['chain']
if not ch.startswith('TR'):
print 'skipline:', consensus_annotations_csvfile, ch, l['v_gene'], l['j_gene']
ab = ch[2]
if ab not in 'AB':
print 'skipline:', consensus_annotations_csvfile, ch, l['v_gene'], l['j_gene']
vg = l['v_gene']
if '*' not in vg:
vg += gene_suffix
if 'DV' in vg and vg not in expected_gene_names:
#print 'DV?',vg
vg = vg[:vg.index('DV')]+'/'+vg[vg.index('DV'):]
jg = l['j_gene']
if '*' not in jg:
jg += gene_suffix
# if vg in tcr_gene_remap[organism]:
# vg = tcr_gene_remap[organism][vg]
# if jg in tcr_gene_remap[organism]:
# jg = tcr_gene_remap[organism][jg]

if vg not in expected_gene_names:
print 'unrecognized V gene:', organism, vg
if not allow_unknown_genes:
if vg not in expected_gene_names or jg not in expected_gene_names:
print 'unrecognized J gene:', organism, jg
if not allow_unknown_genes:
#assert vg in all_align_fasta[organism]
#assert jg in all_align_fasta[organism]

tcr_chain = ( vg, jg, l['cdr3'], l['cdr3_nt'].lower() )

if tcr_chain not in clonotype2tcrs[id][ab]:
clonotype2tcrs[id][ab][ tcr_chain ] = int( l['umis'] )
print 'repeat?',id,ab,tcr_chain
if l['productive'] not in [ 'None','False' ]:
print 'unproductive?',l['productive']

return clonotype2tcrs, clonotype2barcodes

def make_clones_file( organism, outfile, clonotype2tcrs, clonotype2barcodes ):
''' Make a clones file with information parsed from the 10X csv files
organism is one of ['mouse','human']
outfile is the name of the clones file to be created

tmpfile = outfile+'.tmp' # a temporary intermediate file

out = open(tmpfile,'w')
outfields = 'clone_id subject clone_size va_gene ja_gene vb_gene jb_gene cdr3a cdr3a_nucseq cdr3b cdr3b_nucseq'\
extra_fields = 'alpha_umi beta_umi num_alphas num_betas'.split()
outfields += extra_fields

out = open(tmpfile,'w')
out.write('\t'.join( outfields )+'\n' )

for clonotype, tcrs in clonotype2tcrs.iteritems():
if len(tcrs['A']) >= 1 and len(tcrs['B']) >= 1:
atcrs = tcrs['A'].most_common()
btcrs = tcrs['B'].most_common()
if len(atcrs)>1:
print 'multiple alphas, picking top umi:',' '.join( str(x) for _,x in atcrs )
if len(btcrs)>1:
print 'multiple betas, picking top umi:',' '.join( str(x) for _,x in btcrs )
atcr, atcr_umi = atcrs[0]
btcr, btcr_umi = btcrs[0]
outl = {}
outl['clone_id'] = clonotype
outl['subject'] = 'UNK_S'
outl['clone_size'] = len(clonotype2barcodes[clonotype])
outl['va_gene'] = atcr[0]
outl['ja_gene'] = atcr[1]
outl['cdr3a'] = atcr[2]
outl['cdr3a_nucseq'] = atcr[3]
outl['alpha_umi'] = str(atcr_umi)
outl['num_alphas'] = str(len(atcrs))
outl['vb_gene'] = btcr[0]
outl['jb_gene'] = btcr[1]
outl['cdr3b'] = btcr[2]
outl['cdr3b_nucseq'] = btcr[3]
outl['beta_umi'] = str(btcr_umi)
outl['num_betas'] = str(len(btcrs))
out.write( make_tsv_line(outl,outfields)+'\n' )

cmd = 'python {}/ --input_format clones --output_format clones --input_file {} --output_file {} --organism {} --clobber --epitope UNK_E --check_genes --extra_fields {} '\
.format( paths.path_to_scripts, tmpfile, outfile, organism, ' '.join(extra_fields) )
print cmd


if __name__ == '__main__':

with Parser(locals()) as p:

if exists(clones_file) and not clobber:
print 'ERROR -- clones_file {} already exists; use --clobber to overwrite'

assert organism in ['human','mouse']

clonotype2tcrs, clonotype2barcodes = read_tcr_data( organism, filtered_contig_annotations_csvfile,
consensus_annotations_csvfile )

make_clones_file( organism, clones_file, clonotype2tcrs, clonotype2barcodes )

38 changes: 31 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@

def parse_tsv_line(line,infields):
def parse_tsv_line(line,infields,sep='\t'):
if line[-1]=='\n': line = line[:-1] #doh
l = line.split('\t')
l = line.split(sep)
assert len(l) == len(infields)
vals = {}
for tag,val in zip(infields,l):
vals[tag] = val
return vals

def make_tsv_line(vals,outfields,empty_string_replacement=''):
def make_tsv_line(vals,outfields,empty_string_replacement='',sep='\t'):
"""Does not have the \n at the end"""
l = []
for tag in outfields:
Expand All @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ def make_tsv_line(vals,outfields,empty_string_replacement=''):
return '\t'.join( l )
return sep.join( l )

def parse_tsv_file( filename, key_fields=[], store_fields=[], save_l=False ):
def parse_tsv_file( filename, key_fields=[], store_fields=[], save_l=False, sep='\t' ):
if not key_fields and not store_fields:
save_l = True
D = {}
Expand All @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ def parse_tsv_file( filename, key_fields=[], store_fields=[], save_l=False ):
for line in open( filename,'rU'):
if not infields:
if line[0] == '#':
infields = line[1:-1].split('\t')
infields = line[1:-1].split(sep)
infields = line[:-1].split('\t')
infields = line[:-1].split(sep)
assert infields

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,3 +70,27 @@ def parse_tsv_file( filename, key_fields=[], store_fields=[], save_l=False ):
return L

# silly
def safely_split_csv_line( line, text_encapsulator='"' ):
newcomma = "COMMA!!DUDE!!" # any string that's not present in line will work
assert newcomma not in line
l = list(line)
assert len(l) == len(line)
in_quote = False
newl = l[:]
for i,a in enumerate(l):
if a == text_encapsulator:
in_quote = not in_quote
if in_quote and a == ',':
newl[i] = newcomma
assert not in_quote
#print ''.join(newl)

l = ( ''.join( newl ) ).split(',')
newl = l[:]
for i,a in enumerate(l):
if newcomma in a:
newl[i] = l[i].replace(newcomma,',')

return newl

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