Hikelove is a simple web application, created using React.
The main objectives were to use React, a mock backend and to create a web application with CRUD functionalities.
- CRUD functions for reviews - some reviews are pre-rendered from the mock backened. However, it is also possible to add a review, edit it and delete it.
- image carousel - credits go to Aaakash Jha [(https://blog.bitsrc.io/simple-carousel-in-react-2aac73887243)]
- integration with AccuWeather API and OpenStreetMap API
- React
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Vite
- Axios
- Node.js and npm
- Git and GitHub
- Adaptable
- React Router
- Babel
- ESLint
- Prettier
Deployed on GitHub Pages --> click here
The API (json server) is deployed on Adaptable --> click here
To set up the project locally for development purposes:
# Installation
npm install
# Run the development server
npm run dev