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Arduino Serial String Data Splitter - Data parser for communication between devices

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Arduino Serial String Data Splitter - ParamPart / ParamPart_Ex

Written by Piotr K. ([email protected] /

Tested on Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega. Used IDE: Arduino IDE 1.8.13 / Visual Studio Code 1.50.1 (Linux)

2019 - 2021 v. 3.7

It's easy to put in your prototype project and debug, send, receive parameters by string lines.

Example: Send to Serial: <abc;peter;23;167;>

You get respond: Hi peter, you have 23 years old and 167 cm. (Instead of this you can do something) and get some return <artn;abc;OK;>

All data is stored in ParamPart Object (in params P[0],P[1]).

Integity you can check by pass enums from PT range (PT::Num - for numeric argument, PT::Txt - for string argument, PT::Any - type not important) to Integrity() function. Check below.

And you can do something by Reaction function:

   void Reaction(ParamPart &P)
if (P.Header("test")) // Simple example of respond
if (P.Header("js")) // Example of export ParamPart parameters to JSON format
if ((P.Header("abc")) && P.Integrity(PT::Txt, PT::Num, PT::Num))
    Serial.print("Hi ");
    Serial.print(P[0]); // [] is overloaded, so you can use P[0] instead of P.getParam(0).
    Serial.print(", you have ");
    Serial.print(" years old and ");
    Serial.println(" cm.  ");

    for (auto &pa : P)
    }; // Print all parameters by range-based loop.

    P.readDone(); // (bool RtnMsg, String ParamRtn, String Rtn) - You can configure return output (true or false, return data, return name of executed              command)
                  // Always use this function after finish your reaction block. It's setting ReadFlag.
if (P("db", true, PT::Num)) // Change debug mode
                            // (Example of use short version - overloaded () for ParamPart object. Arguments: m_Command, Status of active command, Expected parameters).

if ((P.Header("dw")) && P.Integrity(PT::Num)) //Simple digitalWrite example
    // If pass integrity checks, i'm not scared to conversion P[0] to int.
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, (P[0].toInt()));

Some examples and more information you can find on my YouTube channel: IMAGE ALT TEXT

Three libraries:

ParamPart_Ex - Extended version with Serial control. (parampart_ex.h)

ParamPart - Normal basic version with no Serial control. (parampart.h)

ParamPart (PCS) - Normal basic version to use on PC side (port). It is compatibility to use with Qt (It is in another branch).


In this version (ParamPart_Ex) you need to pass just pointer to Serial object and everything is controlled inside. Use just Reaction function in your program to easy work :)

Example: Fast implementation of Serial receiving, parsing the data, integrity checks and reaction :)

Send to Serial: <abc;peter;23;167;>

You get respond: Hi peter, you have 23 years old and 167 cm. (Instead of this you can do something) and get some return <artn;abc;OK;>

Creating object

ParamPart_Ex is template which allow to build object with internal support of Serial. It takes type of Serial type (Hardware/Software) as template argument.

Examples of create ParamPart_Ex object:

ParamPart_Ex <> Odczyt(&Serial); // Create object ParamPart_Ex with pointer to Serial as constructor argument and HardwareSerial as template argument. (Default is HardwareSerial)

ParamPart_Ex < HardwareSerial > Odczyt(&Serial); // Equal to ParamPart_Ex <> Odczyt(&Serial);

ParamPart_Ex < SoftwareSerial > Odczyt2(&SerialSoft); // Create object ParamPart_Ex with pointer to Serial as constructor argument and SoftwareSerial as template argument. (SoftwareSerial version)

ParamPart_Ex <> Odczyt(&Serial,'@',';','!'); // Version with overloaded syntax (open line, delimiter, close line)


In this version you need to pass String to ParamPart Object manualy from Serial or Script file, whatever you want :) Use just Reaction function in your program to easy work or do everything by yourself (more configurable).

Example: Fast implementation of parsing the data, integrity checks and reaction :)

Send to ParamPart: <abc;peter;23;167;> ( from Serial, i2c, Script file, whatever you want :) )

You get respond: Hi peter, you have 23 years old and 167 cm. (Instead of this you can do something) and get some return <artn;abc;OK;>

Creating object

ParamPart Reader; // Basic version of ParamPart object. Ready to work.

ParamPart Reader('<',';','>') - // Version with overloaded syntax (open line, delimiter, close line)

Main functions (ParamPart_Ex)

*String HybridInterpreter(void (ptn_func_interpreter)(ParamPart_Ex <> &PP)) - Read String from Serial, send to Slice() function, checks syntax and later call function from pointer (Reaction function).

*void Interpreter(void (ptn_func_interpreter)(ParamPart_Ex <> &PP)) - Checks syntax, and call function from pointer. (Reaction function)

String RawRead() - Read String from Serial and store in m_tmpnewLine variable. (No interpreting)

void readDone(bool RtnMsg = true, String ParamRtn = "OK", String Rtn = "artn") - Set ReadFlag as true, and create some return message (In this version it's going straight away to Serial)

Main functions (ParamPart)

*String Interpreter(void (ptn_func_interpreter)(ParamPart &PP)) - Checks syntax, and call function from pointer. But in this version function returns String with Flag about reaction process or nothing if everything is OK. (Reaction function)

void readDone(bool RtnMsg = true, String ParamRtn = "OK", String Rtn = "artn") - Set ReadFlag as true, and create some return message (In this version function returns only string)

Main functions (both)

bool Header(const String& CmdName,bool& Active) - Checks if input m_Command is one of defined Reaction blocks command.

bool Slicer(String& LineS) - Parse String by designated syntax and store in ParamPart object.

bool CSlicer(char Line[]) - Parse CString by designated syntax and store in ParamPart object. (Old version of function).

** template<typename... TPack> bool Integrity(TPack&&... args) ** - Check types of input and expected parameters. Don't need specify of amount expected parameters.

String Glue() - Create String line from actual object variables (inversion).

String toJSON() - Returns parameters stored in ParamPart in JSON format.

Clear() - Clean object and prepare to next String line.

Return Flags after Reaction() function.

SE - Syntax Error

MEP - Missing/Extra Parameter

UC - Unknown m_Command

MM - Mismatch between received and expected parameters.

Nothing - Everything OK :)

Settings and other functions

setDebugMode(bool DebugStatus) - Enable/Disable debug return.

setIntegrityCheck(bool IntegrityStatus) - Enable/Disable Integrity checks. (Pass everything)

*setExportFunction(External_Export_func)(const String&)) - Enable function for dump all reaction commands. After Reaction function is reset to nullptr.

setSyntaxChars(char m_OpenLine, char Delimiter, char m_CloseLine) - Customize your syntax as you like

bool getReadFlag() - Returns if some reaction is done.

bool getParam(n) - Returns parameter with index n (it's same like in example: P[n])