Driver for a 4x7 segment display clock (ht16K33v110) with optional light sensor (TSL2561)
This clock.c is driving a 4x7 segment display (ht16K33v110) to display the time. The dimming is set based on a light sensor value from TSL2561 (T package!). If no light sensor available the dimming is done by calulated sun-set and sun-down. The display and the light sensor are connected to a raspberry pi 2 I2C outputs.
Inputs to call:
- input 1: verbose settings 0: no output 1: full output 2: reduced output (only communication to the display)
- input 2: save hh:min, lux value into a file 0: no save 1: save
- input 3: enables the display light measurement function (the display displays an average value, not the time, and the dimming changes in every minute) any >0 integer can be used as enable Neither of the input are mandatory, but only verosity can be defined solely. e.g.: ./clock - no output to standard out or to file ./clock 0 1 - output to file, but not to standard output ./clock 1 - output to standard output, but not to file