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A web application that uses Mongo DB to record, retrieve and graph, utility meter readings.


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Record and graph your utility meters usage.


Meters is a web application that uses Mongo DB to record, retrieve and graph, utility meter readings. Mongo access is provided through a python-flask API. Example are gas and electricity readings but other utilities can be set when configuring the application. While raw readings are recorded, the plotted graph shows the difference between the previous readings, calculated as units-consumed-per-day.

Setting up meters

You can either configure the API to use a local flask server or configure to use WSGI with your web server. Only the Apache web server has been tested. The following packages are required, for example on a Debian based system. Up to date packages from are recommended for the database over those that come with most Linux distributions.

sudo apt-get install apache2 python3-pymongo mongodb python3-flask libapache2-mod-wsgi


This document contains snippets of code to help install and configure meters. To use most of these snippets directly, set the following shell variables to refer to your code locations.

export CODEBASE=$HOME/code/meters
export DEPSBASE=$HOME/code/meters_dependencies

Configure the Database API

To set-up the API, a configuration file is needed for the database. This configuration file can be generated then edited. Be sure to specify the database name, this is unset by default; a good name could be "meters". Include the quotes. For example:

# remove or move any existing config file
[ -r config/mongodb_config.json ] && mv config/mongodb_config.json config/mongodb_config.json.old
api/ > new_config
mv new_config config/mongodb_config.json
vi config/mongodb_config.json
# check the configuration is correct

Configure the web server

Create a WSGI configuration file appropriate for your code path. This can be generated from the provided template. For example:

cd $CODEBASE/api
cp ../config/template_meters_api.wsgi meters_api.wsgi
sed -i "s|###path-to-api###|$CODEBASE/api|g" meters_api.wsgi
vi meters_api.wsgi

Assuming an Apache web server, generate a config file from the apache template config/template_meters_apache.conf then modify this point at your html and api directories. Copy the modified file to /etc/apache2/conf-available/. For example:

cd $CODEBASE/config
cp template_meters_apache.conf meters_apache.conf
sed -i "s|###path-to-html###|$CODEBASE/html|g" meters_apache.conf
sed -i "s|###path-to-api###|$CODEBASE/api|g" meters_apache.conf
vi meters_apache.conf
sudo cp meters_apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/
rm meters_apache.conf

Finally, enable wsgi, enable the apache configuration then reload your Apache web service.

sudo a2enmod wsgi
sudo a2enconf meters_apache
sudo service apache2 reload

Configure web application options

Create web application configuraiton file html/meters_config.js. This defines the path to the web API and also the types of utility meters you will use. For example, copy then modify the provided template config/template_meters_config.js:

cd $CODEBASE/config
cp template_meters_config.js meters_config.js
vi meters_config.js
mv meters_config.js ../html

Get JavaScript libraries

Download the JavaScript libraries for c3, d3, jquery and jquery-ui, unpack them and copy the required files to the html/lib directory. For example:

mkdir -p $DEPSBASE/js_libraries && cd $DEPSBASE/js_libraries
wget -qO- | tar xzv
wget -q && unzip -d d3-5.16.0 && rm
mkdir -p jquery-3.6.0 && cd jquery-3.6.0 && wget -qO jquery.min.js && cd ..
wget && unzip && rm
cd $CODEBASE/html && mkdir -p lib && cd lib
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/c3-0.7.20/c3.min.css .
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/c3-0.7.20/c3.min.js .
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/d3-5.16.0/d3.min.js .
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/jquery-3.6.0/jquery.min.js .
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/jquery-ui-1.13.1/jquery-ui.min.css .
cp $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/jquery-ui-1.13.1/jquery-ui.min.js .
cp -R $DEPSBASE/js_libraries/jquery-ui-1.13.1/images .

Testing the database set-up

These commands will write a record to the database and read it back using curl (you may need to install curl). Be sure to specify your own server certificate if needed (--cacert ) and URL. For example:

curl -X POST -d @- http://localhost/meters_api/add << EOT
{"date":$(date +"%Y%m%d"), "epoch":$(date +"%s"), "reading":{"electricity":42, "gas":999}}
curl http://localhost/meters_api/last

The output should be similar to that below. If the status is false then check your set-up.


Create Database Indexes

Without too much performance tuning, creating some basic indexes for the database does provide a speed improvement. Be sure to use the name of the database you have actually configured. For example using the mongo shell:


use meters
db.readings.createIndex({"date":1, "epoch":1})
db.readings.createIndex({"date":-1, "epoch":-1})

Testing the web server

You should now be able to point your web browser at for example /meters on your Apache web server. To add, view and graph readings.


A web application that uses Mongo DB to record, retrieve and graph, utility meter readings.







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