Adds verification to context variable if its an instance of Journal c… #315
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Apr 18, 2024 in 12m 29s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #315 Adds verification to context variable if its an instance of Journal c….
Any changes that have been made to the main branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has eight jobs, running in parallel.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
491.1 | 8.1.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.2 | 8.1.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.3 | 8.1.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.4 | 8.1.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.5 | 8.2.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.6 | 8.2.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.7 | 8.2.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
491.8 | 8.2.0 | [One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] | Linux | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | PHP |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
PHP Versions | 8.1.0, 8.2.0 |
Build Configuration
"language": "php",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"addons": {
"chrome": "beta",
"postgresql": "9.5",
"apt": {
"update": true,
"packages": [
"sudo": true,
"php": [
"env": [
"global=[One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.]=[One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.]=[One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.]=[One of the secure variables in your .travis.yml has an invalid format.] jobs={:APPLICATION=>\"ojs\", :BRANCH=>\"main\", :TEST=>\"mysql\", :ORCID_URL=>\"\", :ORCID_APIPATH=>\"\", :ORCID_APITYPE=>\"\\\"Member Sandbox\\\"\"}={:APPLICATION=>\"ojs\", :BRANCH=>\"main\", :TEST=>\"pgsql\", :ORCID_URL=>\"\", :ORCID_APIPATH=>\"\", :ORCID_APITYPE=>\"\\\"Member Sandbox\\\"\"}={:APPLICATION=>\"ops\", :BRANCH=>\"main\", :TEST=>\"mysql\", :ORCID_URL=>\"\", :ORCID_APIPATH=>\"\", :ORCID_APITYPE=>\"\\\"Member Sandbox\\\"\"}={:APPLICATION=>\"ops\", :BRANCH=>\"main\", :TEST=>\"pgsql\", :ORCID_URL=>\"\", :ORCID_APIPATH=>\"\", :ORCID_APITYPE=>\"\\\"Member Sandbox\\\"\"}"
"install": [
"git clone -b ${BRANCH}${APPLICATION} ~/${APPLICATION}",
"cd ~/${APPLICATION}",
"git submodule update --init --recursive",
"source lib/pkp/tools/travis/",
"npm i g -npm && npm install && npm run build",
"rm -rf ~/${APPLICATION}/plugins/generic/orcidProfile",
"ln -s ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} ~/${APPLICATION}/plugins/generic/orcidProfile"
"script": [
"$(npm bin)/cypress run --spec \"cypress/tests/data/10-ApplicationSetup/,cypress/tests/data/10-ApplicationSetup/\"",
"$(npm bin)/cypress run --env orcid_url=$ORCID_URL,orcid_apiPath=$ORCID_APIPATH,orcid_apiType=$ORCID_APITYPE,orcid_clientId=$ORCID_CLIENTID,orcid_clientSecret=$ORCID_SECRET,orcid_email=$ORCID_EMAIL,orcid_emailPassword=$ORCID_EMAILPASSWORD --config '{\"specPattern\":[\"plugins/generic/orcidProfile/cypress/tests/functional/*.cy.js\"]}'"
"after_failure": [
"cat error.log",
"sudo apt-get install sharutils",
"tar cz cypress/screenshots | uuencode /dev/stdout"