- Introduction
- Citation
- How to install and run GATE
- UK Biobank GWAS Results
- Log for fixing bugs
- Notes for users before running jobs
GATE (Genetic Analysis of Time-to-Event phenotypes) is an R package with Scalable and accurate genome-wide association analysis of censored survival data in large scale biobanks using frailty models.
GATE performs single-variant association tests for time-to-event endpoints. GATE uses uses the saddlepoint approximation (SPA)(mhof, J. P. , 1961; Kuonen, D. 1999; Dey, R. et.al 2017) to account for heavy censoring rates.
GATE is based on joint work by Rouank Dey and Wei Zhou.
The docker image can be found in the docker hub wzhou88/saige.survival:0.42.1
After installation, the package needs to be called as SAIGE (will update)
Currently, the only difference between this and the regular SAIGE job is that for step1, two additional arguments are used
eventTimeCol = “”,
eventTimeBinSize = 1
traitType = “survival”
eventTimeCol is the column name for the event time, e.g. age of diagnosis eventTimeBinSize is used to set the bin size for evene times. eventTimeBinSize=1 means the bin size will be 1 and if eventTimeBinSize is not specified, raw event time values will be used
0.42.1 (August-19-2021) trying to fix the error X1_fg %*% Z : non-conformable argument
0.42 (July-14-2021) fix the "AF > 0.5" error when input file is VCF
0.41 (January-11-2021) fix the error from the merging branches