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Wrapper around Dio that can perform API requests with better error handling and easily get the result of any API request.


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Playx Network

pub package

Wrapper around Dio that can perform API requests with better error handling and easily get the result of any API request.


  • Perform GET, POST, PUT,, and DELETE HTTP methods for retrieving from and sending data to a server.
  • Better Error handling for API and Dio Errors with the ability to customize these errors.
  • Each request is wrapped by NetworkResult which returns whether success or failure of the API request.
  • No need to use try catch anymore as every request is handled.
  • Logs network calls in a pretty, easy to read format


In pubspec.yaml add these lines to dependencies

playx_network: ^0.2.0


We can use PlayxNetworkClient to perform GET, POST, PUT,, and DELETE HTTP methods for retrieving from and sending data to a server.

To use it we need to :

  • Setup PlayxNetworkClient an configure it based on your needs. You should create only one instance of this network client to be used for the app depending on your use case.

    final PlayxNetworkClient _client = PlayxNetworkClient(
       //you can customize your dio options like base URL, connection time out.
       dio: Dio(
           baseUrl: _baseUrl,
           connectTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 20),
           senTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 20),
       //If you want to attach a token to the client or add any custom headers to all requests.
       customHeaders: () async => {
         'authorization': 'Bearer token'
       //Function that converts json error response from api to error message.
       // You should specify how to extract error message from the response.
       // defaults to as below:
       errorMapper: (json) {
         if (json.containsKey('message')) {
           return json['message'] as String? ;
         return null;
  • Now we can use the client to perform any GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP method.

    For example we will perfrom a GET request that gets list of cats using this api :

    • First create a model for the data returned from the api. It should contain a from json function that takes dynamic json and converts it to the model.

      class Cat {
         String? id;
         String? url;
         num? width;
         num? height;
          Cat.fromJson(dynamic json) {
                id = json['id'];
                url = json['url'];
               width = json['width'];
              height = json['height'];
        Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
           final map = <String, dynamic>{};
           map['id'] = id;
           map['url'] = url;
           map['width'] = width;
           map['height'] = height;
        return map;
    • Perform the GET request :

          //gets list of cats by getting cats endpoint.
          final result = await _client.getList(catsEndpoint,
          // pass your own queries.
          query: {
            'limit': '10',
          // Pass the from json function that was created in the cat model.
          fromJson: Cat.fromJson);
    • Handle The request result :

        result.when(success: (cats) {
        //Handles success here as it returns list of cats.
        }, error: (error) {
          //handle error here and display the error message.
          print("Error is : ${error.message}");

      Just like that you can perform any GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP method and return it's result whether success or failure with better error handling.

Available Methods :

Here is all available methods of PlayxNetworkClient :

Method Description
get sends a GET request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of Type [T] model.
getList sends a GET request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of List of Type [T] model.
post sends a POST request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of Type [T] model.
postList sends a POST request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of List of Type [T] model.
put sends a PUT request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of Type [T] model.
putList sends a PUT request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of List of Type [T] model.
delete sends a DELETE request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of Type [T] model.
deleteList sends a DELETE request to the given url and returns NetworkResult of List of Type [T] model.

Error Message customization:

You can customize error message for the client and use your own messages.

  • Create a class that extends ExceptionMessage and overrides all messages with your own messages like that :

       class CustomExceptionMessage  extends ExceptionMessage{
       const  CustomExceptionMessage();
        String get badRequest =>  "Sorry, The API request is invalid or improperly formed.";
        String get conflict => "Sorry, The request wasn't completed due to a conflict.";
        String get defaultError => "Sorry, Something went wrong.";
        String get emptyResponse =>  "Sorry, Couldn't receive response from the server.";
        String get formatException => "Sorry, The request wasn't formatted correctly.";
        String get internalServerError => "Sorry, There is an internal server error";
        String get noInternetConnection =>  "Sorry, There is no internet connection.";
        String get notAcceptable => "Sorry, The request is not acceptable";
        String get notFound => "Sorry, The resource requested couldn't be found.";
        String get requestCancelled => "Sorry, The request has been canceled";
        String get requestTimeout => "Sorry, The request has timed out.";
        String get sendTimeout =>  "Sorry, The request has send timeout in connection with API server";
        String get serviceUnavailable => "Sorry, The service is unavailable";
        String get unableToProcess => "Sorry, Couldn't process the data.";
        String get unauthorizedRequest => "Sorry, The request is unauthorized.";
        String get unexpectedError => "Sorry, Something went wrong.";
    • ConfigurePlayxNetworkClient to use CustomExceptionMessage that you have created.
    final PlayxNetworkClient _client = PlayxNetworkClient(
       exceptionMessages: const CustomExceptionMessage(),

Map Network Result

After getting the result from the API We can easily map the result to any type we want.

  • Here is an example that maps list of cats to list of image urls.

      final NetworkResult<List<String?>> catImagesResult = (success) {
        final data =;
        final images = => e.url).toList();
        return NetworkResult.success(images);
      }, error: (error) {
        return NetworkResult<List<String?>>.error(error.error);
  • We can also map result asynchronously using mapAsync like that :

       final NetworkResult<List<String?>> catImagesAsyncResult =await result.mapAsync(success: (success) async{
       final data =;
       final images = => e.url).toList();
            return  NetworkResult.success(images);
        }, error: (error)async {
            return NetworkResult<List<String?>>.error(error.error);


The package uses pretty_dio_logger pacakge to log dio requests.

How it looks like

VS Code

Request Example Error Example

Android studio

Response Example

You can customize what is printed or whether it's enabled or not like this:

    final PlayxNetworkClient _client = PlayxNetworkClient(
   //attach logger to the client to print API requests, works only on debug mode.
   attachLoggerOnDebug: true,
   // You can customize the logger settings.
   logSettings: const LoggerSettings(
     responseBody: true,
     request = true,  
     requestHeader = true,  
     requestBody = true,  
     responseHeader = false,  
     error = true,  
     maxWidth = 90,  
     compact = true,

See Also:

Playx : Playx eco system helps with redundant features , less code , more productivity , better organizing.

Playx_theme :Multi theme features for flutter apps from playx eco system.

Playx_core :Core package for playx eco system contains shared classes and utilities.


Wrapper around Dio that can perform API requests with better error handling and easily get the result of any API request.








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