Vue2 bindings for Redux.
What we are working toward is an implementation of Redux bindings for Vue which are roughly equivalent to what the useSelector
hook offers up in the latest versions of react-redux.
Currently WIP — We are road-testing this on a large scale product and will continue to make improvements over the coming weeks. Next features on the list are:
- Performance improvements
- Better examples including use of props
- Ability to specify alternative equality function on a selector
- Cover the bases outlined in
- Update and testing with Vue 3
If you have any feedback, please open an issue or pull request on GitHub.
In your Vue app, plug your redux store in as an option to any component and it will be passed to children (adopted from Vuex).
import PNDLMVueRedux from 'pndlm-vue-redux'
// import your reduxStore
import reduxStore from './reduxStore'
import Clock from './clock.vue'
// if you want extra debugging:
new Vue({
components: { Clock },
template: '<Clock />'
This example component uses mapState
to pull from the state tree and keep itself updated, including use of a memoized selector and a computed property. It also dispatches an action upon button click.
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
const getLocalTimeString = createSelector(
state => state.movement.clientTick,
(clientTick) => new Date(clientTick).toString()
export default {
mapState: {
localTimeString: getLocalTimeString,
clientTick: state => state.movement.clientTick,
computed: {
utcTimeString () {
return new Date(this.clientTick).toUTCString()
methods: {
handleClick: function(e) {
<p>The local time is: {{ localTimeString }}</p>
<p>The UTC time is: {{ utcTimeString }}</p>
<button v-on:click="handleClick">Click me</button>
The library is being crafted from ongoing review of the following excellent resources:
- The History and Implementation of React-Redux by Mark Erikson
- Vue Mastery Advanced Components video series by Gregg Pollack and Evan You
- The source code of these libraries—
Our thanks go out to the open-source community, most especially Dan Abrimov and those listed above.
Brought to you by PNDLM.
License MIT