Have many similar landing pages for different languages, regions, occasions?
With landing_tool you can easily manage them all in groups:
- in your landing page HTML/CSS/JavaScript source files replace all specific details with appropriate options like
- {{city_name}}
- {{call_to_action}}
- {{Google_Analytics_UID}}
- etc.
- create a new landing page entry and supply the template Zip package
- for each landing page, create variation entries by simply supplying custom values for your options specified in step 1
- profit!
Add landing_tool to your Gemfile:
gem 'landing_tool', git: '[email protected]:pokrovskyy/landing-tool.git'
Install and run migrations:
bundle exec rake landing_tool:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Mount it in routes.rb:
mount LandingTool::Engine => '/land'
Boot your app
bundle exec rails s
and tool should now be available at http://localhost:3000/landings
To protect landing_tool configuration views from the outer world, add config/landing_tool.yml config file, and specify auth details for each environment:
name: name
password: p@$$w0rd
landing_tool uses paperclip to store template packages and stores compiled templates in public/landing-tool tree, so consider symlinking 'public/system' and 'public/landing-tool' to some permanent storage in your production environment
- weaken gem dependencies
- inline template files editor
- allow configuring public/landing-tool path