Visualizes TRTL nodes and public nodes on the map.
Every TRTL daemon mixes internally, automatically using Borromean Ring Signatures, so we have no need for Masternodes
install and run freegeoip
cd ~
tar xvfz freegeoip-3.4.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd freegeoip-3.4.1-linux-amd64
chmod +x freegeoip
./freegeoip --cors-origin "<SITE>" --quota-max 0
and run
npm i
sudo node app.js --startnode=[str] --interval=[num] [[ --port=[num]], --freegeoserverUrl=[str]
interval must more than 3600
Open localhost:8081.
Example : node app.js --startnode=localhost --port=11898 --interval=12000 --freegeoserverUrl=localhost:8080
It's caching nodes' ips every 24 hrs into memory
Thanks Karbovanets/karbo-nodes-map