Fix Jython 3 interpreter constant propagation to calculate tensor shapes #42
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Mar 4, 2024 in 2m 39s
Build Failed
The build failed. This is a change from the previous build, which passed.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #42 Work on issue 42.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Java |
Operating System | Linux (Jammy) |
JDK Version | openjdk11 |
Build Configuration
"language": "java",
"os": [
"dist": "jammy",
"jdk": [
"before_install": [
"git clone --depth=50 /tmp/IDE",
"git clone --depth=50 /tmp/jython3"
"install": [
"pushd /tmp/jython3",
"pushd dist",
"mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./jython-dev.jar -DgroupId=\"org.python\" -DartifactId=\"jython3\" -Dversion=\"0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\" -Dpackaging=\"jar\" -DgeneratePom=true",
"pushd /tmp/IDE/",
"mvn clean install -B -q -DskipTests",
"pip install -r requirements.txt"
"script": [
"mvn spotless:check -B",
"mvn -Dlogging.config.file=\\${maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory}/ clean verify -B"
"deploy": [
"provider": "script",
"script": "mvn -s .travis.settings.xml -Dgithub.username=$GITHUB_USERNAME -Dgithub.password=$GITHUB_TOKEN deploy -DskipTests",
"skip_cleanup": true,
"on": {
"branch": [
"before_cache": [
"rm -f $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock",
"rm -fr $HOME/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/"
"cache": {
"directories": [
"notifications": {
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"secure": "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"