Scripts for installing and running TITAN on oscar.
- Clone this repository to the desired location on oscar (such as your data directory).
cd <directory where you want titan-oscar to live (e.g. ~/data/<your username>)>
git clone
- Make sure the pypy3 module is loaded
This can be done automatically by adding the following line to your ~/.modules
file so it is loaded whenever you log in to oscar, or you can run it only when desired.
module load pypy/7.3.0_3.6
- Install the desired version of TITAN
⚠️ Only works with TITAN versions 2.1.0 and higher
This can either be the name of a tag or a git commit hash (only recommended for developers).
This will always overwrite any existing version of titan you have installed.
./ <version or hash>
./ v2.1.0
./ ab5df07247f315d676676fb83eb9ca3ec4a10b8b
This script will install titan as a package on pypy3, so you can import titan
from a pypy3 session no matter where your current working directory is on oscar.
- Commandify subTitan
Make the
file runnable anywhere on oscar by commandify-ing it
Now subTitan
can be run from any location on OSCAR.
- Submit a batch job for your run
To run titan on oscar, use the subTitan
program to submit a job.
Run subTitan
for usage of the command.