The story behind this project is that a person has lost interest in watching cricket. So I had to create a web application which will pull out some insights from past 9 years of Indian Premier League Data.
This web application is presenting 6 pieces of information. Each information is represented using a very easy to understand visualization. Each visualization is further couple with text based actionable insight representing the graph in as many words.
This is a repository storing the complete un-compiled typescript code where you can get an idea what I have done here.
To view of demo of the compiled version, head on to this link. Demo Link.
Or to run this code base follow the further steps
- Install NPM
- Install Angular
- Open Terminal
- Go to the cloned directory
- Execute the following command
ng serve --port <port-number>
Since the given data was in .csv
format. Web based endpoints were created using PHP
which were taking data from the .csv
files and transformed further into the required format.
- Web framework used is Angular.
- Primary reason of using this is becuase I have decent understanding of this frameworks.
- I like the way it maintains the structure of the code.
- Use of TypeScript enhances the object orientedness of this web framework.
- To build responsive layouts, Bootstrap 4 is used
- Highcharts are used for data visualizations.
- Other technologies used are HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript ES6
- This project does not required jQuery.
I have used Google Lighthouse for benchmarking this application. Checklist used for testing PWA criteria
Page load time is optimized on this application and has scored 80/100 on Google Lighthouse (screen shot attached further).
- No render blocking scripts.
- CSS and JS are minified.
- Text compression is enabled.
- No page redirects.
- Total transfered payload size is just 750 kb.
- Less DOM Nodes - 570.
It is a progressive web application with a score of 100/100 on Google Lighthouse
- Registers a Service Worker
- Responds with a 200 when offline.
- Uses HTTPS. Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
- Page load is fast enough on 3G.
- User can be prompted to Install the Web App.
- Address bar matches brand colors
- Content is sized correctly for the viewport.
It is mobile responsive.
It works when a user is in offline mode or in low connectivity zone.
├── src/
│ ├── app/
│ ├── header/
│ ├── team-stats/
│ ├──individual-team-stats/
│ ├─- top-stats/
│ ├──individual-stats/
│ ├── overs/
│ ├── innings/
│ ├── assets/
│ ├── enviornment/
├── node_modules
├── e2e