Add below 2 Js library on page
<!-- reCaptcha Library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Customized Init for invisible reCaptcha -->
<script src="js/init_recaptcha.js" async defer></script>
Add below div's in respective forms.
<div id="recaptcha-form-1" style="display:none;"></div> <!--for Form 1-->
<div id="recaptcha-form-2" style="display:none;"></div> <!--for Form 2-->
<div id="recaptcha-form-3" style="display:none;"></div> <!--for Form 3-->
Create init_recaptcha.js
- Step 1 - Initialize reCaptcha Site Key and Widget eg: widget_1 for Form 1
- Step 2 - In init function add code to create form submit callback action.
- Step 3 - Call renderInvisibleReCaptcha function by passing reCaptcha ID and createCallbackFn Response.
"use strict";
var PS = PS || {};
var widget_1;var widget_2;var widget_3;
var recaptcha_site_key = 'RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY';
if( typeof PS.RECAPTCHA === 'undefined' ) {
(function (a, $) {
var retryTime = 300;
var x = {
init: function(){
if(typeof grecaptcha != 'undefined'){
//For Form 1 Initialization
if($('#form1 #recaptcha-form-1').length > 0){
var callbackFn = {
action : function(){
saveData('1'); //Here Callback Function
/*--- 'recaptcha-form-1' - reCaptcha div ID | 'form1' - Form ID ---*/
widget_1 = x.renderInvisibleReCaptcha('recaptcha-form-1',x.createCallbackFn(widget_1,'form1',callbackFn));
//For Form 2 Initialization
if($('#form2 #recaptcha-form-2').length > 0){
var callbackFn = {
action : function(){
saveData('2'); //Here Callback Function
/*--- 'recaptcha-form-2' - reCaptcha div ID | 'form2' - Form ID ---*/
widget_2 = x.renderInvisibleReCaptcha('recaptcha-form-2',x.createCallbackFn(widget_2,'form2',callbackFn));
//For Form 3 Initialization
if($('#form3 #recaptcha-form-3').length > 0){
var callbackFn = {
action : function(){
saveData('3'); //Here Callback Function
/*--- 'recaptcha-form-3' - reCaptcha div ID | 'form3' - Form ID ---*/
widget_3 = x.renderInvisibleReCaptcha('recaptcha-form-3',x.createCallbackFn(widget_3,'form3',callbackFn));
setTimeout(function(){ x.init();} , retryTime);
renderInvisibleReCaptcha: function(recaptchaID,callbackFunction){
return grecaptcha.render(recaptchaID, {
'sitekey' : recaptcha_site_key,
"theme" : "light",
'size' : 'invisible',
'badge' : 'inline',
'callback' : callbackFunction
createCallbackFn: function (widget,formID,callbackFn) {
return function(token) {
$('#'+formID+' .g-recaptcha-response').val(token);
if($.trim(token) == ''){
})( PS, $ );
Changes in Form Validation JS -
/* Execute respective Widget on form submit after form Validations */
function formSubmit(form){
var text = $.trim($('#text'+form).val());
if(text != ''){
case '1' : grecaptcha.execute(widget_1); break;
case '2' : grecaptcha.execute(widget_2); break;
case '3' : grecaptcha.execute(widget_3); break;
Validate reCaptcha from Server Side -
* @Desc: To Validate invisible recaptcha from server-side
* @Param: g-recaptcha-response value
* @Return: True/False
function check_recaptcha($recaptcha_response){
$test = array ('secret' => RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,'remoteip' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],'response' => $recaptcha_response);
foreach ($test as $key => $value) {
$req .= $key . '=' . urlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '&';
$req=substr($req, 0, strlen($req)-1);
$path = '';
$response = file_get_contents($path . $req);
$responseData = json_decode($response);
return true;
return false;
// Validate reCaptcha
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !empty($_POST)) {
$checkCapcha = false;
$recaptcha = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
$checkCapcha = check_recaptcha($recaptcha);
echo $_POST['textmsg']; exit;
/** Perform Actions Here (Add,Update,Delete etc)
echo “reCaptcha Error”;
echo "failed";exit;
Reset Widget after Server Call -
// saveData will be automatically get called on grecaptacha.execute
function saveData(form){
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: $("#form"+form).attr( 'action' ),
data: $("#form"+form).serialize(),
success: function( response ) {
case '1' : grecaptcha.reset(widget_1); break;
case '2' : grecaptcha.reset(widget_2); break;
case '3' : grecaptcha.reset(widget_3); break;
} );