is a Next.js web application built with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI components. The project is designed to showcase a modern and responsive frontend for a company. It also includes an Employee Sign-In feature with Google authentication, allowing employees to access a personalized dashboard with RBAC.
Key Components of the Web App
- Responsive Navbar
- Hero Image
- Carousel for displaying Partner Logos
- Contact Details & Form
- Comprehensive Footer
- Coming Up Next:
- Employee Sign-In using Google Auth.
- Personalized Employee Dashboard with RBAC
Tech Stack: NextJS | TailwindCSS | DaisyUI | FireBase
SWE: Vercel | Web/Archive | CodeFactor | ChecklyHQ
Product: Cognito/OE | Cognito/DSR | AirTable | GDrive
For detailed information on setting up and using the project, please refer to the file.
If you'd like to contribute to the project or report bugs, please check out the file.
All rights reserved.