- Original Image
- Rotated Image
- Cropped Image
- Extracting black pixel region from the image.
- Removing Noise(unwanted black blocks) in the image.
- Removing noise (small blocks) using filters.
- Extracting red pixel region from the image.
- Combining images from 6 and 7 stages
- Applying ocr on this combined image.
Setup Installation
**** Software required : 1)opencv 2)visual studio **** Install visual studio and link opencv to visual studio. **** Add deskew.h file to the project folder. **** Create new .cpp file in the project **** copy trainingknnc++.txt to the .cpp file created above.(Make sure that directory inside the imread points to the images in ocrknn folder) **** copy watermeter_gaia.txt to c++ file and change the directory to image of watermeter reading.
• It is one of the solution of Internet of Things where there is a requirement to implement OCR through Computer Vision to digitalize the data on Watermeter.
• Implemented Region Growing Algorithm for the removal of Noise blobs and performed Noise reduction techniques like Dilation and Erosion.
• Applied K-Nearest Neighbours(supervised) Algorithm for the classification of digits.