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add feed action to controller
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The feed action first sends the same response as the list action, only
over a websocket. Then, it polls the database periodically and sends any
changes that happen. Look for some examples soon!
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preaction committed Jul 30, 2020
1 parent 679ae52 commit 24fe9d6
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Showing 6 changed files with 347 additions and 75 deletions.
360 changes: 289 additions & 71 deletions lib/Yancy/Controller/
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Expand Up @@ -354,75 +354,7 @@ number and setting the C<$offset> query parameter.

sub list {
my ( $c ) = @_;
if ( $c->stash( 'collection' ) ) {
derp '"collection" stash key is now "schema" in controller configuration';
my $schema_name = $c->stash( 'schema' ) || $c->stash( 'collection' )
|| die "Schema name not defined in stash";
my $limit = $c->param( '$limit' ) // $c->stash->{ limit } // 10;
my $offset = $c->param( '$page' ) ? ( $c->param( '$page' ) - 1 ) * $limit
: $c->param( '$offset' ) ? $c->param( '$offset' )
: ( ( $c->stash->{page} // 1 ) - 1 ) * $limit;
$c->stash( page => int( $offset / $limit ) + 1 );
my $opt = {
limit => $limit,
offset => $offset,

if ( my $order_by = $c->param( '$order_by' ) ) {
$opt->{order_by} = [
map +{ "-" . ( $_->[1] ? $_->[0] : 'asc' ) => $_->[1] // $_->[0] },
map +[ split /:/ ],
split /,/, $order_by
elsif ( $order_by = $c->stash( 'order_by' ) ) {
$opt->{order_by} = $order_by;

my $schema = $c->yancy->schema( $schema_name ) ;
my $props = $schema->{properties};
my %param_filter = ();
for my $key ( @{ $c->req->params->names } ) {
next unless exists $props->{ $key };
my $type = $props->{$key}{type} || 'string';
my $value = $c->param( $key );
if ( is_type( $type, 'string' ) ) {
if ( ( $value =~ tr/*/%/ ) <= 0 ) {
$value = "\%$value\%";
$param_filter{ $key } = { -like => $value };
elsif ( grep is_type( $type, $_ ), qw(number integer) ) {
$param_filter{ $key } = $value ;
elsif ( is_type( $type, 'boolean' ) ) {
$param_filter{ ($value && $value ne 'false')? '-bool' : '-not_bool' } = $key;
elsif ( is_type($type, 'array') ) {
$param_filter{ $key } = { '-has' => $value };
else {
die "Sorry type '" .
to_json( $type ) .
"' is not handled yet, only string|number|integer|boolean|array is supported."
my $filter = {
# Stash filter always overrides param filter, for security
%{ $c->_resolve_filter },
if ( $c->param( '$match' ) && $c->param( '$match' ) eq 'any' ) {
$filter = [
map +{ $_ => $filter->{ $_ } }, keys %$filter

#; use Data::Dumper;
#; $c->app->log->info( Dumper $filter );
#; $c->app->log->info( Dumper $opt );

my ( $schema_name, $filter, $opt ) = $c->_get_list_args;
my $result = $c->yancy->backend->list( $schema_name, $filter, $opt );
for my $helper ( @{ $c->stash( 'before_render' ) // [] } ) {
$c->$helper( $_ ) for @{ $result->{items} };
Expand All @@ -432,7 +364,7 @@ sub list {
my $format = $c->stash( 'format' );
return $c->respond_to(
json => sub {
$c->stash( json => { %$result, offset => $offset } );
$c->stash( json => { %$result, offset => $opt->{offset} } );
any => sub {
if ( !$c->stash( 'template' ) ) {
Expand All @@ -441,7 +373,7 @@ sub list {
( format => $format )x!!$format,
total_pages => ceil( $result->{total} / $limit ),
total_pages => ceil( $result->{total} / $opt->{limit} ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,6 +915,292 @@ sub delete {

=method feed
$routes->websocket( '/' )->to(
schema => $schema_name,
Subscribe to a feed of changes to the given schema. This first sends a list result
(like L</list> would). Then it sends change messages. Change messages are JSON objects
with different fields based on the method of change:
# An item in the list was changed
method => "set",
# The position of the changed item in the list, 0-based
index => 2,
item => {
# These are the fields that changed
name => 'Lars Fillmore',
# An item was added to the list
method => "create",
# The position of the new item in the list, 0-based
index => 0,
item => {
# The entire, newly-created item
# ...
# An item was removed from the list. This does not necessarily mean
# the item was removed from the database.
method => "delete",
# The position of the item removed from the list, 0-based
index => 0,
B<TODO:> Allow the client to send change messages to the server.
=head4 Input Stash
This method uses the following stash values for configuration:
=item schema
The schema to use. Required.
=item limit
The number of items to show on the page. Defaults to C<10>.
=item page
The page number to show. Defaults to C<1>. The page number will
be used to calculate the C<offset> parameter to L<Yancy::Backend/list>.
=item filter
A hash reference of field/value pairs to filter the contents of the list
or a subref that generates this hash reference. The subref will be passed
the current controller object (C<$c>).
This overrides any query filters and so can be used to enforce
authorization / security.
=item order_by
Set the default order for the items. Supports any L<Yancy::Backend/list>
C<order_by> structure.
=item before_render
An array reference of hooks to call once for each item in the C<items> list
before they are sent as messages. See L</ACTION HOOKS> for usage.
=head4 Query Params
The following URL query parameters are allowed for this method:
=item $page
Instead of using the C<page> stash value, you can use the C<$page> query
parameter to set the page.
=item $offset
Instead of using the C<page> stash value, you can use the C<$offset>
query parameter to set the page offset. This is overridden by the
C<$page> query parameter.
=item $limit
Instead of using the C<limit> stash value, you can use the C<$limit>
query parameter to allow users to specify their own page size.
=item $order_by
One or more fields to order by. Can be specified as C<< <name> >> or
C<< asc:<name> >> to sort in ascending order or C<< desc:<field> >>
to sort in descending order.
=item $match
How to match multiple field filters. Can be C<any> or C<all> (default
C<all>). C<all> means all fields must match for a row to be returned.
C<any> means at least one field must match for a row to be returned.
=item Additional Field Filters
Any named query parameter that matches a field in the schema will be
used to further filter the results. The stash C<filter> will override
this filter, so that the stash C<filter> can be used for security.

sub feed {
my ( $c ) = @_;
$c->inactivity_timeout( 3600 );

# First, send the message for the initial page
my ( $schema_name, $filter, $opt ) = $c->_get_list_args;
my $result = $c->yancy->backend->list( $schema_name, $filter, $opt );
for my $helper ( @{ $c->stash( 'before_render' ) // [] } ) {
$c->$helper( $_ ) for @{ $result->{items} };
my $x_id_field = $c->yancy->schema( $schema_name )->{'x-id-field'} // 'id';
my @id_fields = ref $x_id_field eq 'ARRAY' ? @$x_id_field : ( $x_id_field );
#; $c->log->debug( 'Original result: ' . $c->dumper( $result ) );
$c->send({ json => { %$result, method => 'list' } });

# Now, poll the database for updates every few seconds.
# XXX: Create Yancy::Plugin::PubSub to do push messaging instead of
# ugly polling...
my $id = Mojo::IOLoop->recurring( $c->stash( 'interval' ) // 10, sub {
my $new_result = $c->yancy->backend->list( $schema_name, $filter, $opt );
#; $c->log->debug( 'New result: ' . $c->dumper( $new_result ) );
my %seen_items;
my @created_items;
NEW_ITEM: for my $new_i ( 0..$#{ $new_result->{items} } ) {
my $new_item = $new_result->{items}[$new_i];
# Loop through the old result to find the existing items by
# their ID fields
for my $old_i ( 0..$#{ $result->{items} } ) {
my $old_item = $result->{items}[$old_i];
if ( @id_fields == grep { $new_item->{ $_ } eq $old_item->{ $_ } } @id_fields ) {
# Found it!
$seen_items{ $old_i }++;
my %diff =
map { $_ => $new_item->{ $_ } }
grep {; no warnings 'uninitialized'; $new_item->{ $_ } ne $old_item->{ $_ } }
keys %$new_item, keys %$old_item
if ( keys %diff ) {
my $message = {
method => 'set',
index => $old_i,
item => \%diff,
#$c->log->debug( $c->dumper( $message ) );
$c->send({ json => $message });
next NEW_ITEM;
# If we can't find the new item, it must have been added.
# Queue it up to send after deletes to maintain indexes.
push @created_items, {
method => 'create',
index => $new_i,
item => $new_item,
# Any items we did not see must have been removed from the list,
# or pushed out by newly-created items. Send these in reverse to
# maintain indexes.
for my $old_i ( reverse grep { !$seen_items{ $_ } } 0..$#{ $result->{items} } ) {
my $message = {
method => 'delete',
index => $old_i,
#$c->log->debug( $c->dumper( $message ) );
$c->send({ json => $message });
# Now we can send the created items, from lowest index to
# highest index
for my $item ( @created_items ) {
#$c->log->debug( $c->dumper( $item ) );
$c->send({ json => $item });

$result = $new_result;
} );
$c->on( finish => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->remove( $id ) } );
# XXX: Allow client to send "list" message to change the parameters
# of the list. Respond with an entirely new result (not a diff).
# XXX: Allow client to send "create", "set", and "delete" messages
# to create, set, and delete items

sub _get_list_args {
my ( $c ) = @_;

if ( $c->stash( 'collection' ) ) {
derp '"collection" stash key is now "schema" in controller configuration';
my $schema_name = $c->stash( 'schema' ) || $c->stash( 'collection' )
|| die "Schema name not defined in stash";
my $limit = $c->param( '$limit' ) // $c->stash->{ limit } // 10;
my $offset = $c->param( '$page' ) ? ( $c->param( '$page' ) - 1 ) * $limit
: $c->param( '$offset' ) ? $c->param( '$offset' )
: ( ( $c->stash->{page} // 1 ) - 1 ) * $limit;
$c->stash( page => int( $offset / $limit ) + 1 );
my $opt = {
limit => $limit,
offset => $offset,

if ( my $order_by = $c->param( '$order_by' ) ) {
$opt->{order_by} = [
map +{ "-" . ( $_->[1] ? $_->[0] : 'asc' ) => $_->[1] // $_->[0] },
map +[ split /:/ ],
split /,/, $order_by
elsif ( $order_by = $c->stash( 'order_by' ) ) {
$opt->{order_by} = $order_by;

my $schema = $c->yancy->schema( $schema_name ) ;
my $props = $schema->{properties};
my %param_filter = ();
for my $key ( @{ $c->req->params->names } ) {
next unless exists $props->{ $key };
my $type = $props->{$key}{type} || 'string';
my $value = $c->param( $key );
if ( is_type( $type, 'string' ) ) {
if ( ( $value =~ tr/*/%/ ) <= 0 ) {
$value = "\%$value\%";
$param_filter{ $key } = { -like => $value };
elsif ( grep is_type( $type, $_ ), qw(number integer) ) {
$param_filter{ $key } = $value ;
elsif ( is_type( $type, 'boolean' ) ) {
$param_filter{ ($value && $value ne 'false')? '-bool' : '-not_bool' } = $key;
elsif ( is_type($type, 'array') ) {
$param_filter{ $key } = { '-has' => $value };
else {
die "Sorry type '" .
to_json( $type ) .
"' is not handled yet, only string|number|integer|boolean|array is supported."
my $filter = {
# Stash filter always overrides param filter, for security
%{ $c->_resolve_filter },
if ( $c->param( '$match' ) && $c->param( '$match' ) eq 'any' ) {
$filter = [
map +{ $_ => $filter->{ $_ } }, keys %$filter

#; use Data::Dumper;
#; $c->app->log->info( Dumper $filter );
#; $c->app->log->info( Dumper $opt );

return ( $schema_name, $filter, $opt );

sub _resolve_filter {
my ( $c ) = @_;
my $filter = $c->stash( 'filter' );
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