The SWAPI (Star Wars API) SDK for Android, converted to kotlin, revived from the good old SDK at
SWAPI SDk requires at minimum Java 8 or Android API 21.
- Add the following in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- For the SDK Library:
implementation 'com.github.premacck.Swapi-SDK-revived:Swapi-Revived:release-1.1.2'
- For the UI components (without the Application class): (You can use this to quickly implement the star wars sample in your project, which could be a library sample)
implementation 'com.github.premacck.Swapi-SDK-revived:swapi-sample-components:release-1.1.2'
- Add the JitPack repository to your build file:
- Add the dependency (for SDK)
- Add the dependency (for UI components)
Create a global instance in your application class
- If you have your own
instance in your app, you can just use that one
class SampleApplicationWithRetrofit : Application() {
private lateinit var retrofit: Retrofit
override fun onCreate() {
retrofit = getRetrofit()
private fun getRetrofit(): Retrofit {
// Retrofit initialization, or inject from DI
- If you don't have your own
instance in your app, or don't want to use your implementation of it with Star Wars SDK, you can use the alternative initialization approach:
class SampleApplicationWithoutRetrofit : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
In your activities or fragment you may fire every API call you want.
StarWarsSdk.repo.getAllPlanets(2) {
onResponse { response ->
// Handle response here
onFailure { throwable ->
// Handle network failures here
onError { throwable ->
// Handle unexpected/local errors here
Or you can Create a common retrofitCallBack()
, as implemented in SwapiListActivity
Using the swapi-sample-components
dependency, you can create your own UI of SWAPI list in 2 ways:
- By using the UI in
only - By using your own custom implementation (for reference see sample of State aware Epoxy controller)
- Create an application class and initialize
, as described above.- Don't forget to add it in manifest's
tag underandroid:name
- Don't forget to add it in manifest's
- Add in-build UI activities to the manifest:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
android:screenOrientation="portrait" />
For reference see sample of State aware Epoxy controller
- Create an application class and initialize
, as described above.- Don't forget to add it in manifest's
tag underandroid:name
- Don't forget to add it in manifest's
- Add a class extending SwapiMainActivity for your Main page (which will display buttons for all the types of lists that Swapi can display), and override required functions to launch respective list pages:
class StarWarsMainActivity : SwapiMainActivity(R.layout.activity_star_wars_main) {
// you can customize your layout and set listeners in `oncreate()`
override fun onFilmsClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_FILMS)
override fun onPeopleClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_PEOPLE)
override fun onPlanetsClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_PLANETS)
override fun onSpeciesClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_SPECIES)
override fun onStarshipsClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_STARSHIPS)
override fun onVehiclesClick() {
StarWarsListActivity.launch(this, LIST_VEHICLES)
- Add another class extending the SwapiListActivity, which will show the list
class StarWarsListActivity : SwapiListActivity(R.layout.activity_star_wars_list) {
// you can customize your layout and set listeners in `oncreate()`
// but remember to initialize the RecyclerView in `initRecyclerView()`
companion object {
fun launch(from: Context, @SWListType listType: Int) = from.startActivity(Intent(from,, listType))
// Initialize the RecyclerView, and pagination here
override fun initRecyclerView() {
starWarsList?.adapter = adapter
endlessScrollListener = starWarsList?.onEndlessScroll { newPage, _ -> = newPage
override fun <DATA> onDataResponse(it: Response<SWList<DATA>>) {
// Common callback function, will be called before the dedicated callback functions
Timber.i("SWAPI list response: $it")
override fun onAllFilmsResponse(response: Response<SWList<Film>>) {
// Handle films' list data
override fun onAllPeopleResponse(response: Response<SWList<People>>) {
// Handle peoples' list data
override fun onAllPlanetsResponse(response: Response<SWList<Planet>>) {
// Handle planets' list data
override fun onAllSpeciesResponse(response: Response<SWList<Species>>) {
// Handle species' list data
override fun onAllStarshipsResponse(response: Response<SWList<Starship>>) {
// Handle starships' list data
override fun onAllVehiclesResponse(response: Response<SWList<Vehicle>>) {
// Handle vehicles' list data
override fun onDataFailure(throwable: Throwable) {
// Handle network call failures
override fun onDataError(throwable: Throwable) {
// Handle unexpected error failures
- Do not forget to specify these activities in the manifest