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Add enumerative inference function and test cases.
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ztangent committed Oct 21, 2024
1 parent a5fc8e3 commit 1c46274
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131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions src/inference/enumerative.jl
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(traces, log_norm_weights, lml_est) = enumerative_inference(
model::GenerativeFunction, model_args::Tuple,
observations::ChoiceMap, choice_vol_iter
Run enumerative inference over a `model`, given `observations` and an iterator over
choice maps and their associated volumes (`choice_vol_iter`), specifying the choices
to be iterated over. Return an array of traces and associated log-weights with the
same shape as `choice_vol_iter`. The log-weight of each trace is normalized, and
corresponds to the log probablity of the volume of sample space that the trace
represents. Also return an estimate of the log marginal likelihood of the
observations (`lml_est`).
All addresses in the `observations` choice map must be sampled by the model when
given the model arguments. The same constraint applies to choice maps enumerated
over by `choice_vol_iter`, which must also avoid sharing addresses with the
`observations`. An iterator over a grid of choice maps and volumes can be constructed
with [`choice_vol_grid`](@ref).
function enumerative_inference(
model::GenerativeFunction{T,U}, model_args::Tuple,
observations::ChoiceMap, choice_vol_iter::I
) where {T,U,I}
if Base.IteratorSize(I) isa Base.HasShape
traces = Array{U}(undef, size(choice_vol_iter))
log_weights = Array{Float64}(undef, size(choice_vol_iter))
elseif Base.IteratorSize(I) isa Base.HasLength
traces = Vector{U}(undef, length(choice_vol_iter))
log_weights = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(choice_vol_iter))
choice_vol_iter = collect(choice_vol_iter)
traces = Vector{U}(undef, length(choice_vol_iter))
log_weights = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(choice_vol_iter))
for (i, (choices, vol)) in enumerate(choice_vol_iter)
constraints = merge(observations, choices)
(traces[i], log_weight) = generate(model, model_args, constraints)
log_weights[i] = log_weight + log(vol)
log_total_weight = logsumexp(log_weights)
log_normalized_weights = log_weights .- log_total_weight
return (traces, log_normalized_weights, log_total_weight)

choice_vol_grid((addr, vals, [support, dims])::Tuple...; anchor=:midpoint)
Given tuples of the form `(addr, vals, [support, dims])`, construct an iterator
over tuples of the form `(choices::ChoiceMap, vol::Real)` via grid enumeration.
Each `addr` is an address of a random choice, and `vals` are the corresponding
values or intervals to enumerate over. The (optional) `support` denotes whether
each random choice is `:discrete` (default) or `:continuous`. This controls how
the grid is constructed:
- `support = :discrete`: The grid iterates over each value in `vals`.
- `support = :continuous` and `dims == Val(1)`: The grid iterates over the
anchors of 1D intervals whose endpoints are given by `vals`.
- `support = :continuous` and `dims == Val(N)` where `N` > 1: The grid iterates
over the anchors of multi-dimensional regions defined `vals`, which is a tuple
of interval endpoints for each dimension.
Continuous choices are assumed to have `dims = Val(1)` dimensions by default.
The `anchor` keyword argument controls which point in each interval is used as
the anchor (`:left`, `:right`, or `:midpoint`).
The volume `vol` associated with each set of `choices` in the grid is given by
the product of the volumes of each continuous region used to construct those
choices. If all addresses enumerated over are `:discrete`, then `vol = 1.0`.
function choice_vol_grid(grid_specs::Tuple...; anchor::Symbol=:midpoint)
val_iter = (expand_grid_spec_to_values(spec...; anchor=anchor)
for spec in grid_specs)
val_iter = Iterators.product(val_iter...)
vol_iter = (expand_grid_spec_to_volumes(spec...) for spec in grid_specs)
vol_iter = Iterators.product(vol_iter...)
choice_vol_iter =, vol_iter)) do (vals, vols)
return (choicemap(vals...), prod(vols))
return choice_vol_iter

function expand_grid_spec_to_values(
addr, vals, support::Symbol = :discrete, dims::Val{N} = Val(1);
anchor::Symbol = :midpoint
) where {N}
if support == :discrete
return ((addr, v) for v in vals)
elseif support == :continuous && N == 1
if anchor == :left
vals = @view(vals[begin:end-1])
elseif anchor == :right
vals = @view(vals[begin+1:end])
vals = @view(vals[begin:end-1]) .+ (diff(vals) ./ 2)
return ((addr, v) for v in vals)
elseif support == :continuous && N > 1
@assert length(vals) == N "Dimension mismatch between `vals` and `dims`"
vals = map(vals) do vs
if anchor == :left
vs = @view(vs[begin:end-1])
elseif anchor == :right
vs = @view(vs[begin+1:end])
vs = @view(vs[begin:end-1]) .+ (diff(vs) ./ 2)
return vs
return ((addr, v) for v in Iterators.product(vals...))
error("Support must be :discrete or :continuous")

function expand_grid_spec_to_volumes(
addr, vals, support::Symbol = :discrete, dims::Val{N} = Val(1)
) where {N}
if support == :discrete
return ones(length(vals))
elseif support == :continuous && N == 1
return diff(vals)
elseif support == :continuous && N > 1
@assert length(vals) == N "Dimension mismatch between `vals` and `dims`"
diffs = Iterators.product((diff(vs) for vs in vals)...)
return (prod(ds) for ds in diffs)
error("Support must be :discrete or :continuous")

export enumerative_inference, choice_vol_grid
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/inference/inference.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ include("hmc.jl")

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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions test/inference/enumerative.jl
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@testset "enumerative inference" begin

# polynomial regression model
@gen function poly_model(n::Int, xs)
degree ~ uniform_discrete(1, n)
coeffs = zeros(n+1)
for d in 0:n
coeffs[d+1] = {(:coeff, d)} ~ uniform(-1, 1)
ys = zeros(length(xs))
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs)
x_powers = x .^ (0:n)
y_mean = sum(coeffs[d+1] * x_powers[d+1] for d in 0:degree)
ys[i] = {(:y, i)} ~ normal(y_mean, 0.1)
return ys

# synthetic dataset
coeffs = [0.5, 0.1, -0.5]
xs = collect(0.5:0.5:3.0)
ys = [(coeffs' * [x .^ d for d in 0:2]) for x in xs]

observations = choicemap()
for (i, y) in enumerate(ys)
observations[(:y, i)] = y

# test construction of choicemap-volume grid
grid = choice_vol_grid(
(:degree, 1:2),
((:coeff, 0), -1:0.2:1, :continuous),
((:coeff, 1), -1:0.2:1, :continuous),
((:coeff, 2), -1:0.2:1, :continuous),
anchor = :midpoint

@test size(grid) == (2, 10, 10, 10)
@test length(grid) == 2000

choices, vol = first(grid)
@test choices == choicemap(
(:degree, 1),
((:coeff, 0), -0.9), ((:coeff, 1), -0.9), ((:coeff, 2), -0.9),
@test vol 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.2

test_choices(n::Int, cs) =
cs[:degree] in 1:n && all(-1.0 <= cs[(:coeff, d)] <= 1.0 for d in 1:n)

@test all(test_choices(2, choices) for (choices, vol) in grid)
@test all(vol (0.2 * 0.2 * 0.2) for (choices, vol) in grid)

# run enumerative inference over grid
traces, log_norm_weights, lml_est =
enumerative_inference(poly_model, (2, xs), observations, grid)

@test size(traces) == (2, 10, 10, 10)
@test length(traces) == 2000
@test all(test_choices(2, tr) for tr in traces)

# test that log-weights are as expected
log_joint_weights = [get_score(tr) + log(0.2^3) for tr in traces]
lml_expected = logsumexp(log_joint_weights)
@test lml_est lml_expected
@test all((jw - lml_expected) w for (jw, w) in zip(log_joint_weights, log_norm_weights))

# test that polynomial is most likely quadratic
degree_probs = sum(exp.(log_norm_weights), dims=(2, 3, 4))
@test argmax(vec(degree_probs)) == 2

# test that MAP trace recovers the original coefficients
map_trace_idx = argmax(log_norm_weights)
map_trace = traces[map_trace_idx]
@test map_trace[:degree] == 2
@test map_trace[(:coeff, 0)] == 0.5
@test map_trace[(:coeff, 1)] == 0.1
@test map_trace[(:coeff, 2)] == -0.5


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