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[email protected] edited this page Mar 22, 2011 · 27 revisions
  1. summary instructions on adding new packages

Adding a new Package

  * Create new directory, say 'foopack, for the package. Create a file called "foopack-readme.txt". This file should have PMTKtitle, PMTKauthor, PMTKurl, and PMTKdate [ tags]. Follow [ this] as  example.
  * Check [ this list] for changes you need to make to ensure the package 'plays nicely' with other pmtk packages on the path.
  * Check the package into the [ svn repository]. It must live in its own subdirectory.
  * Run this PMTK command: `refreshZipFiles('support', 'foopack')`. This will download the files to a local directory, and create a zip file out of them.
  * Check the zip file into the [ svn repository].
  * Test auto-downloading by running [ downloadAllSupport], which will download and unzip the packages to the [ external] directory.
  * Make sure the new package hasn't shadowed existing files by running [ shadowedFilesReport]
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