When a delete comes in for a item that is new, that means a mistake was made. Just delete it, don't mark it as delete.
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.
$ echo "RACK_ENV=development" >>.env $ echo "PORT=3000" >> .env foreman start
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
rake semat:import_alpha_cards
rails console AdminUser.create!(:email => '[email protected]', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')
heroku run rails console --app semat git push heroku master heroku pgbackups:capture --expire --app semat heroku run rake db:migrate --app semat
heroku run rake semat:import_alpha_cards
heroku run rails console --app semat
http://jsonlint.com/ Excellent Tutorial on Android and Rails: http://lucatironi.github.io/tutorial/2012/10/15/ruby_rails_android_app_authentication_devise_tutorial_part_one/
version = EssenceVersion.find_by_name('CMU 1.1')
heroku pg:pull HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AMBER_URL SEMAT_heroku --app semat