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Fix prettier ignore #522

Fix prettier ignore

Fix prettier ignore #522

Workflow file for this run

name: tests
branches: [main]
- 'docker/**'
- 'packages/**'
- 'demos/**'
- 'dev/**'
- 'contracts/**'
- '.github/workflows/tests.yml'
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
NODE_ENV: test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the repo
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- run: mkdir -p protocol/cargo-cache
- run: mkdir -p protocol/target
- run: mkdir -p node_modules
- run: mkdir -p ~/.cache/Cypress
- name: Restore cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v3
path: |
# note that restoring a cache in github is a pain. The trailing '-' matches any string after the '-', therefore 'abc-' would match a cache named 'abc-1234' or 'abc-5678', etc.
# the problem is 'abc-' will not match a cache named 'abc'! So if you're using wildcard cache name selectors like this, you need a field that changes as the suffix to become the wildcard
# here we're setting the key to an unused cache key so it falls back to the wildcard selector in `restore-keys`
key: some-unused-cache-key
restore-keys: |
project-cache-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-
- run: npm install -g [email protected]
- run: npm install
- run: npm run removePolkadotJSWarnings
# build all packages in workspace
- run: npm run build:all
- run: npm run build:all:cjs
- name: Setup env
run: |
cp demos/client-example-server/env.development demos/client-example-server/.env.test
cp demos/client-example/env.development demos/client-example/.env.test
cp dev/scripts/env.test dev/scripts/.env.test
cp dev/scripts/env.test packages/cli/.env.test
cp dev/scripts/env.test packages/procaptcha-bundle/.env.test
- name: Start the docker images
run: |
docker compose --file ./docker/docker-compose.test.yml up -d
docker container ls
sleep 10s
# deploy protocol and run the unit tests
- run: npm run deploy_protocol
- run: npm run test -- --watch=false
# restart the docker images to drop any changes made by the unit tests to the contract(s) before running cypress tests
- name: Reset the docker containers
run: |
docker compose --file ./docker/docker-compose.test.yml down
docker compose --file ./docker/docker-compose.test.yml up -d
docker container ls
sleep 10s
# deploy dapp + protocol and run setup to register, stake and load a dataset for a provider
- run: NODE_ENV=test npm run deploy_protocol
- run: NODE_ENV=test npm run setup
# Build a test version of the procaptcha bundle and run the cypress tests on it and on the React client-example
# Running bundle:dev instead of bundle:prod means the bundle will be built with selectors that can be used
# by the cypress tests to find the elements they need to interact with
- run: NODE_ENV=test npm -w @prosopo/procaptcha-bundle run bundle:dev
# Needs concurrently to avoid vite hanging forever
- name: Install concurrently and cypress
run: npm i concurrently cypress
- name: Run the cypress tests on client-example
run: |
npx concurrently "npm run start:server" "npm run start:provider" "npm run start:demo" "sleep 10s && npm -w @prosopo/cypress-shared run cypress:run:client-example" --success "first" --kill-others
- name: Run the cypress tests on client-bundle-example
run: |
npx concurrently "npm run start:server" "npm run start:provider" "npm run start:bundle" "sleep 10s && npm -w @prosopo/cypress-shared run cypress:run:client-bundle-example" --success "first" --kill-others