DCMP 🐋 💦 is a Docker Container Management Platform using the django framework and python language and it is suitable for internal network deployment.
Language: English | 中文
Concise, efficient, data visualization
- Container MANAGEMENT
Efficient, responsive, second-level deployment
Data visualization, dynamic updates
Multiple mirroring, load balancing, high availability
- Promotion Page
- Login Page
- Dashboard
- Containters Management
- Containters Deploy
- Swarm Monitor
- Images Management
- Volumes Management
- Networks Management
- Events Monitor
- User Management
- Python 3.6 (Recommend)
- Django 2.0 (Necessary)
- Docker 18.03-ce
- Radis 2.0.6
- django-bootstrap3
- psutil
- docker-py
- celery
Install plugins:
pip install -r requirement.txt
docker run -d --name dcmp-redis --net dcmp redis
docker run -itd --name dcmp-server -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --net dcmp -p 8000:8000 registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/geekcloud/dcmp:latest
username:admin password:dcmpdcmp123
- Initialize Docker (PreStep):
docker swarm init #Please Your make sure your Docker engine is turned on
- Refresh & Synchronize the database(Step 1):
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
- Create Superuser(Step 2):
python manage.py createsuperuser
Superuser has the ability to create user.
- Run the website(Step 3):
python manage.py runserver
- Start the Redis server(Step 4):
docker run --name dcmp-redis -p 6379:6379 redis
- Start the Celery Worker(Step 5):
celery -A DCMP worker -l info
- Fix errors in Redis
- Add Celery to accelerate docker services
- Add Rabbitmq to processing messages
- Fix some bugs
- Add User ManageMent Function(Rewrite to User Management)
- Fix some bugs
- Add Swarm Function
- Add Image Function
- Add Volume Function
- Add Network Function
- Fix some bugs
- Add Deploy funtion
- Fix some bugs
- Add container function
- Fix some bugs
- Add system lib
- Add docker lib
- Fix login bugs
- Finish login/logout function
- Rewrite login static HTML page
- Fix bugs
- Use Model Form instead of traditional HTML forms
- Compact code
- Rewrite : Models , Views
- Add Django-BootStrap3 to render HTML Pages
- Finish Promotional page
- Finish Sending email
- Finish Saving Contacts
- Finish Interactive management terminal
- Promotional page
- Sending email
- Saving Contacts
- Interactive Management terminal
- Index Dashboard
- Login Page
- Login Interface
- Docker Lib
- Docker Monitor
- Docker Swarm Monitor
- Docker Container Management
- Docker Deploy Function
- Docker Image Management
- User Management
- Docker Network Management
- Docker Volume Management
- i18N Internationalization
- Container Status Details