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Grant Geyer edited this page May 22, 2021 · 4 revisions


Here you can find a list of common acronyms used on the team, be they made by us or something technical with widespread use.

Acronym Words Description
ROV Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle A type of robot for performs underwater tasks.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers The student organization ROV is a part of.
MATE Marine Advanced Technology Education The non-profit organization that runs the competition.
HKN Heta Kappa Nu The ECE honor society. The have a lounge and lab located near us in EE.
PM Primary Manipulator The main claw manipulator used on the ROV. Designed in the PM.
AM Auxiliary Manipulator The secondary manipulator used on the ROV. Designed in the early AM.
PCB Printed Circuit Board A piece of fiberglass with copper, soldermask, and silkscreen to attach components to.
SMT Surface Mount Technology A component soldered to a PCB with pads, opposed to through holes.
CAD Computed Aided Design Tools for creating a design on a computer. You many here MCAD and ECAD for Mechanical and Electrical.
ROS Robot Operating System Not technical an OS, but a network for communication in a robot.
Git - A version control system for software. Not technically an acronym, though the creator Linus Torvalds has suggested several interpretations.
PoE Power Over Ethernet The several ethernet standards that transmit 48V DC power over the unused (4,5,7,8) or used pairs (1,2,3,6) in ethernet.
PoEoB Power Over Ethernet Over Binder Using an 8 pin binder cable to run PoE.
BWEAP Binder with Ethernet and Power Using an 8 pin binder to send 2 ethernet pairs and 5V and GND on the other 4 wires. It uses an easily available voltage and avoids additional conversion at the receiving end.
IC Integrated Circuit Any electrical component with transistors solder to a PCB. These can be gate drivers, microcontrollers, etc.
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface A communication protocol for ICs. It requires at least 4 wires, but it fast and straightforward.
UART Univeral Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter A communication protocol for ICs. No clock signal is needed (hence Asynchronous). Common in UART to USB converters for simple devices (like an Arduino) to communicate with a computer.
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit A two wire bus based communication protocol that uses pull-up resistors to support multiple slave devices and masters too. All devices have a 7 bit address in standard I2C.
SMBus & PMBus System- and Power Management Bus Basically a subset of I2C with a defined set of commands and extra bells and whistles. See I2C for more detail.
CAN Controller Area Network A differential, asynchronous bus based communication protocol developed in the automotive industry for communication between micro controllers.
USB Universal Serial Bus A differential pair communication protocol (not truly a bus) for fast communication.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation A "square wave" of a fixed or varying duty cycle.
DC Direct Current Current (and voltages) that maintain a fixed value and don't varying with time.
AC Alternating Current Current (and voltages) that alternate between positive and negative with time, generally in a sinusoid.
BLDC BrushLess Direct Current (Motor) A type of motor (really a PMAC motor) that can be driven from a DC source with an ESC.
PMAC Permanent Magnet Alternating Current (motor) A motor with magnets on the rotor (rotating part) and windings on the stator (stationary part) to create torque and rotation.
ESC Electronic Speed Controller An electrical device for driving BLDC motors. It produces special three phase PWM power which mimics the 3 phase sine power needed to drive them.
BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor A type of transistor. Analysis models it as current based.
NPN & PNP Negative and Positive The two variants of BJTs.
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor A transistor type. These tend to be more common. N-MOS or N-FET and P- are the two common variants.
LDO Low DropOut (regulator) A type of linear regulator with a very low dropout voltage (the amount the input must be above the output).
SBC Single Board Computer Products like a Raspberry Pi which are full fledged computers, but with lower specs and small form factors.
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group A camera stream format.
FFMPEG Fast Forward MPEG A program that streams videos.
IPC Inter-Process Communication --

Tags: Acronyms, Abbreviations, terminology

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