1 clone ut from https://github.com/purusingh/JuliaReact.git git clone https://github.com/purusingh/JuliaReact.git 2 got that that folder cd JuliaReact 3 open up it on visuals studio code code . 4 instatll packages if not yet npm install 5 run the application npm start
git Tasks
1 check what barchares avalilble
git branch
2 create your own branch if not
git juliaBranch
3 you current branch is master change to JuliaBranch
git checkout juliaBranch
1 create a simple class component and add it on the app.js file and observe it
2 create a simple functional component and add it on the app.js file and obsdrve it
3 pass the properties from app to class and functional component and display it
4 create a class component with form and add it to app.js
test test2
push the code to source control
git add .
git commit -m "Julia has added these component"
git push