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This repository contains Fibonacci heap implementation in Go.


New heap

heap := fiboheap.NewHeap()

Heap contains elements of type fiboheap.Comparable.

Insertion of an element

// comparable type definition
type ComparableString string

func (sv ComparableString) LessThen(i interface{}) bool {
    if ts, ok := i.(ComparableString); ok {
        return strings.Compare(string(sv), string(ts)) < 0

    return false

func (sv ComparableString) EqualsTo(i interface{}) bool {
    if ts, ok := i.(ComparableString); ok {
        return string(sv) == string(ts)

    return false


node := heap.Insert(ComparableString("string"))

Method Insert returns reference to fiboheap.FHNode, which contains corresponding fiboheap.Comparable value (via method Value()) and can be used for several other operations.

Query for minimum element

min, ok := heap.Min()

If minimum value exists, the method returns it's value and true sign, otherwise it returns empty value and false sign.

Hint: if you need the heap to be ordered in reverse order, you can return opposite value in LessThen implementation of your orderable.

Query and remove minimum element

min, ok := heap.ExtractMin()

Merge two heaps


Update value of an element

success := heap.UpdateValue(node, newComparableValue)

Note: update is possible only if new value is LessThen old value.

Delete specified element


Find heap node by value

node := heap.Find(comparableValue)

Get heap size

size := heap.Size()

For more examples see tests.