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PyQASM 0.2.0

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@TheGupta2012 TheGupta2012 released this 14 Feb 11:55
· 2 commits to main since this release

Release 0.2.0 (Feb 14, 2025)



  • Added support for classical declarations with measurement (#120). Usage example -
In [1]: from pyqasm import loads, dumps

In [2]: module = loads(
   ...: """OPENQASM 3.0;
   ...: qubit q;
   ...: bit b = measure q;
   ...: """)

In [3]: module.unroll()

In [4]: dumps(module).splitlines()
Out[4]: ['OPENQASM 3.0;', 'qubit[1] q;', 'bit[1] b;', 'b[0] = measure q[0];']
  • Added support for unrolling multi-bit branching with ==, >=, <=, >, and < (#112). Usage example -
In [1]: from pyqasm import loads

In [2]: module = loads(
   ...: """OPENQASM 3.0;
   ...: include "";
   ...: qubit[1] q;
   ...: bit[4] c;
   ...: if(c == 3){
   ...:     h q[0];
   ...: }
   ...: """)

In [3]: module.unroll()

In [4]: dumps(module)
include "";
qubit[1] q;
bit[4] c;
if (c[0] == false) {
  if (c[1] == false) {
    if (c[2] == true) {
      if (c[3] == true) {
        h q[0];
  • Add formatting check for Unix style line endings i.e. \n. For any other line endings, errors are raised. (#130)
  • Add rebase method to the QasmModule. Users now have the ability to rebase the quantum programs to any of the available pyqasm.elements.BasisSet (#123). Usage example -
In [9] : import pyqasm

In [10]: qasm_input = """ OPENQASM 3.0;
    ...: include "";
    ...: qubit[2] q;
    ...: bit[2] c;
    ...: h q;
    ...: x q;
    ...: cz q[0], q[1];
    ...: c = measure q; 
    ...: """

In [11]: module = pyqasm.loads(qasm_input)

In [12]: from pyqasm.elements import BasisSet

In [13]: module.rebase(target_basis_set=BasisSet.ROTATIONAL_CX)
Out[13]: <pyqasm.modules.qasm3.Qasm3Module at 0x103744e10>

In [14]: print(pyqasm.dumps(module))
include "";
qubit[2] q;
bit[2] c;
ry(1.5707963267948966) q[0];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[0];
ry(1.5707963267948966) q[1];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[1];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[0];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[1];
ry(1.5707963267948966) q[1];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[1];
cx q[0], q[1];
ry(1.5707963267948966) q[1];
rx(3.141592653589793) q[1];
c[0] = measure q[0];
c[1] = measure q[1];

Current support for BasisSet.CLIFFORD_T decompositions is limited to non-parameterized gates only.

  • Added .gitattributes file to specify unix-style line endings(\n) for all files (#123)
  • Added support for ctrl modifiers. QASM3 programs with ctrl @ modifiers can now be loaded as QasmModule objects (#121). Usage example -
In [18]: import pyqasm

In [19]: qasm3_string = """
    ...:     OPENQASM 3.0;
    ...:     include "";
    ...:     qubit[3] q;
    ...:     gate custom a, b, c {
    ...:         ctrl @ x a, b;
    ...:         ctrl(2) @ x a, b, c;
    ...:     }
    ...:     custom q[0], q[1], q[2];
    ...:     """

In [20]: module = pyqasm.loads(qasm3_string)

In [21]: module.unroll()

In [22]: print(pyqasm.dumps(module))
include "";
qubit[3] q;
cx q[0], q[1];
ccx q[0], q[1], q[2];

Improved / Modified

  • Bumped qBraid-CLI dep in tox.ini to fix qbraid headers command formatting bug (#129)



  • Unix-style line endings check in GitHub actions was removed in lieu of the .gitattributes file (#123)



  • Update sphinx-autodoc-typehints requirement from <2.6,>=1.24 to >=1.24,<3.1 (#119)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0