Prediction package for reproducible U-Net models, trained for semantic segmentation of microscopy images of root tissue from A. thaliana ( These models are trained using the mlf-core framework and tested for reproducibility. This package can be deployed within an analysis pipeline as a module for root tissue segmentation (rts) of fluorescence microscopy images.
This prediction module implements the Monte Carlo Dropout procedure ( to calculate prediction uncertainty (uncertainty maps). Additionally, this module uses the Guided Grad-CAM algorithm ( to compute input feature importance visualizations (interpretability maps), as implemented by the Captum library (
- This package can be installed via pip:
- The trained pytorch model used for prediction can be found here:
- Segmentation prediction CLI:
- Uncertainty of prediction CLI:
- Input feature importance (Guided Grad-CAM) CLI:
rts-pred -i ./brightfields -o ./predictions -m mark1-PHDFM-u2net-model.ckpt --suffix ""
rts-pred-uncert -i ./brightfields -o ./predictions -m mark1-PHDFM-u2net-model.ckpt --suffix "" -t 5
rts-feat-imp -i ./brightfields -o ./predictions -m mark1-PHDFM-u2net-model.ckpt --suffix "" -t 2
- Free software under MIT license
- Documentation:
This package was created with mlf-core using cookiecutter.