JoSIM Tools is a set of tools that does analysis on Superconducting Single Flux Quantum Circuits. JoSIM Tools is built on JoSIM and leverages pyjosim. The tools currently include verification, margin analysis, yield analysis, and optimization routines.
The full documentation can be found on the JoSIM Tools Github Pages
Existing tools require specialized format, are difficult to use, are not configurable, are slow, or have shortcoming in the method used.
A tool which does analysis and optimization of SFQ circuits while being:
- Reasonably effecient
- Configurable
- Programmatically extendable
JoSIM tools takes a single configuration file as input which describes the analysis
mode = "margin"
Btotal = {"nominal" = 1}
Ltotal = {"nominal" = 1}
Itotal = {"nominal" = 1}
method = "spec_file"
circuit = "data/test_splitt_changed_sym.js"
file = "data/test_splitt_changed_sym.sp"
The configuration file description is described in the Configuration File Section
$ josim-tools margin/simple_margin_analysis.toml
Btotal: 18.3 [ #####|# ] 7.0
Ltotal: 29.5 [ ########|###### ] 23.9
Itotal: 7.0 [ #|##### ] 21.1
Critical margin: 7.0 % ['Btotal+', 'Itotal-']
Install pyjosim
Then install poetry
$ pip install poetry
Then simply clone, build and install josim-tools
$ git clone
$ cd josim-tools
$ poetry build --format=wheel
$ pip install dist/josim_tools-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
This software is licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license. See for more details.