LA uses the Samsung/netcoredbg debugger: . But need many modifications. Below are steps to install netcoredbg sources, modify projects and build. After completing these steps, the output files already work and can be used, but not everything works well because the source code still not modified. Source code modifications are not in this document; they are in github qgindi/netcoredbg.
Ensure you have prerequisities listed in cmake, git, .NET SDK.
Git clone to C:\code-lib\netcoredbg. Full, not shallow.
Create and open folder C:\code-lib\netcoredbg\build
Right-click in the folder, open terminal and run:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -DDOTNET_DIR="c:\Program Files\dotnet"
Edit .gitignore. Replace /build/ with:
# Au
Git commit (I use TortoiseGit). Message: "executed cmake; edited .gitignore". Check all files.
Open C:\code-lib\netcoredbg\build\netcoredbg.sln
Unload projects: ALL_BUILD, buildinfo, example, INSTALL, managedpart_dll, PACKAGE. Make netcoredbg startup project.
In Configuration Manager:
- Delete solution configurations other than Debug and Release. Note: check "Remove from projects".
- Add solution platform ARM64. Note: don't create project platforms.
- Add platform ARM64 to projects netcoredbg, linenoise, corguids. Set it to build in all config.
Change properties of projects netcoredbg, linenoise and corguids:
- General > Output directory:
- General > Intermediate directory:
- In preprocessor of ARM64 platform replace all substrings "AMD" with "ARM".
- Linker > Input > Additional dependencies: for corguids.lib and linenoise.lib use
. - netcoredbg only: Linker > Debugging > Database file: use
. - Linker > All options > Additional options: clear.
- If not lazy, everywhere use variables or relative paths instead of raw paths. Optional if the solution path will never change. If will change, VS will not find files; the easiest way to fix it - find-replace path in all files in the
dir; don't use VS for it; can use the "Search in files" tool of QM. - netcoredbg Post-Build event for x64 and ARM64:
C:\code\au\_\Debugger\x64\ /Y
xcopy $(TargetPath) C:\code\au.editor\Debugger\x64\ /Y
xcopy $(TargetPath) C:\code\au\_\Debugger\arm64\ /Y
xcopy $(TargetPath) C:\code\au.editor\Debugger\arm64\ /Y
Create folders:
- C:\code\au_\Debugger\x64
- C:\code\au_\Debugger\arm64
Modify "interop.cpp":
below std::string exeDir = exe.substr(0, dirSepIndex);
insert: std::string appPaths = exeDir + "\\..;" + exeDir + "\\..\\..\\Roslyn"; //Au: let .NET find ..\ManagedPart.dll and ..\..\Roslyn\dlls
and use appPaths below for APP_PATHS and APP_NI_PATHS. Other mods can be done later; the debugger works without them.
Build netcoredbg.
Add this project to the solution: \src\managed\ManagedPart.csproj. In ManagedPart:
- Remove Debug config.
- Edit csproj: set target platform net9.0; remove all NuGet. Close.
- Add refs to our dlls in _\Roslyn: CodeAnalysis.dll and CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll.
- Set postbuild:
xcopy $(TargetPath) C:\code\au\_\Debugger\ /Y
- Build.
Add files from NuGet:
- C:\code\au_\Debugger\x64\dbgshim.dll (from
- C:\code\au_\Debugger\arm64\dbgshim.dll (from
Modify source files.
Build, test.
Git commit. Message: "Modified source files. Tested everything.". Push.
With TortoiseGit make patch between the first and the last commit. Do it after each commit in the future. Delete old patch files.
In the future use the patch files to update netcoredbg easier.