Deployed on January 15th, 2025
- The Analysis owner is now displayed in the analysis list and the individual analysis page.
- Admins can now use the per-preparation "Download Data Release" button to get a "BIOM" release; this version is focus on NPH data releases.
- Improved complete_job creation time, which should result in Qiita jobs (multiple steps finishing faster; for bencharks visit patch 93.sql.
- SPP improvements: TellSeq support added; plugin refactored to allow for easier additions like TellSeq in the future. Job restart greatly improved. Much improved handling of sample-names and ids that contain substrings like ‘I1’ and ‘R2’. New SequenceCount job can count sequences and base-pairs in parallel for any list of fastq files.
- Other general fixes #3440, #3445, #3446.