This database allows a user to view/add/edit/delete food and their varietals in a database. Login authorization is handled via a user's Google account. Any user can add/edit/delete foods (except for a few protected ones), but a user can only edit/delete varieties that they created.
This can be accessed on the web at:
*If you are a Udacity grader, you can log-in with the following:
ssh -p 2200 -i <PATH_TO_GRADER_SSH_KEY> [email protected]
To set this up, I used AWS Lightsail.
I used an instance of Vanilla Ubuntu 16.06 with the following packages installed:
- apache2ctl
- libapache2-mod-wsgi
- python-pip
I also needed to install the python modules specified in requirements.txt.
After that, I checked out my code onto the Lightsail server, and created a wsgi file. The file essentially consists of one line:
from catalog_project import app as application
catalog_project is my git code - with the addition of, it can be imported as a module.
To get this code working with wsgi, I followed the instructions the in the Flask documentation by adding necessary lines to the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/myapp.wsgi
WSGIDaemonProcess catalog_project user=<USER_ON_LIGHTSAIL_HERE> \
group=<GROUP_ON_LIGHTSAIL_HERE> threads=5
(Some information redacted for security information.)
Independent research was very helpful in getting this operating. Flask documentation in particular was great in implementing this project on the instance, AWS documentation for setting up the server, and StackOverflow/man pages all throughout the project to make sure I was employing these commands correctly.
Thanks for checking it out!
However, if you'd like to run this locally yourself, read on...
In order to run this, you will need to install the following:
- python 2.7 - Programming language
- Download here: ]
- Excellent installation instructions can be found here:
- Virtualbox - Virtual Machine (VM) Program
- Download here:
- I am VirtualBox version 6.0.2
- Find your relevant operating system
- Virtual box also provides installation instructions:
- Vagrant - A program for configuring VMs
- Download here:
- If prompted during installation, grant network permissions to Vagrant.
- I am using Vagrant version 2.2.2
- You will need many modules - please check the included requirements.txt
- Run the command below to install these modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the command below to install these modules:
First start up the needed vagrant machine. You'll need to be in the same directory as your cloned repo. First type
vagrant up
which will start up the machine. Then enter the machine with
vagrant ssh
If you enter the command 'whoami' at the prompt and it returns 'vagrant' you're good to go!
There are two steps needed here. You must first create a database, then fill the database with data.
First, create the needed schema by running
This will create the tables in the database. Next, populate with some sample data by running
The foods that are entered in the database from running this command are protected and cannot be modified. You can however add varieties to these foods or add your own!
You're ready to run the server. Run
And you should have a server running.
The output in your terminal says you can visit
You MUST go to http://localhost:5000
There is plenty more that needs to be done here! Here are some ideas:
- There is currently no way to add characteristics of varieties to the database. You'll have to contact the administrator (that's me!)
- It would be great to be able to sort by characteristics. This is currently in development.
- Pretty the website up more. The developer is currently building his CSS skills, and he's proud of getting it looking like this. But there is always more to learn!