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testing: rework property testing section
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GoNZooo committed Aug 28, 2022
1 parent 71b7066 commit 7c2ad00
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 158 deletions.
287 changes: 129 additions & 158 deletions basics/extras/
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Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
- [Mocking effects with type classes](#mocking-effects-with-type-classes)
- [Exercises (Mocking effects with type classes)](#exercises-mocking-effects-with-type-classes)
- [Property testing](#property-testing)
- [Considerations for testing](#considerations-for-testing)
- [Find a testable core](#find-a-testable-core)
- [Encoding your effects as type classes](#encoding-your-effects-as-type-classes)
- [`prop :: (HasCallStack, Testable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec`](#prop--hascallstack-testable-prop--string---prop---spec)
- [`Testable prop`](#testable-prop)
- [A more complete example](#a-more-complete-example)
- [`Arbitrary`](#arbitrary)
- [Exercises (Property testing)](#exercises-property-testing)

Testing is of course a pivotal part of development and just because we have access to a very
competent type system does not mean that we don't have to test our code.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,202 +435,171 @@ data User = User

Sometimes we want to prove an attribute or a property of our code, not just through readymade and
static examples, but by putting it through a series of randomized tests. We can do so via several
libraries in Haskell, one of which is called Hedgehog:
libraries in Haskell, one of which is called QuickCheck:

### `prop :: (HasCallStack, Testable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec`

`prop` is the property testing equivalent of `it`. We pass a description of what we are trying to
test as well as a `Testable` property that we want to test, and `Hspec` will run the required
`QuickCheck` invocations to fit it into our normal test suite.

### `Testable prop`

The `Testable` class is a type class that describes different expressions that qualify as being
property testable. What this means in practice is that we have several ways we can write our
property tests and that assertions as usual are usable in our property tests:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
describe "Lists" $ do
describe "`reverse`" $ do
prop "Reversing a list twice is `id`" $ \xs ->
reverse @Int (reverse xs) `shouldBe` xs

module Qtility.EnvironmentSpec where
In the example above you can see that we are passing a function to `prop`. `QuickCheck` will, in a
sense, look at the types of the arguments declared in this function and generate random values for
them. In this particular example we specify that the `a` we want in the type signature of `reverse`
is an `Int`, which means that `QuickCheck` will know to generate a random list of `Int`s.

import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
### A more complete example

import Qtility.Environment
import Qtility.Environment.Types
import Qtility.EnvironmentSpec.TestState
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified RIO.Text as Text
import System.Environment (setEnv)
-- Note how we import both `Hspec` and `QuickCheck` modules here.
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
import Test.QuickCheck (PrintableString (..))
import Test.QuickCheck.PrintableNonEmptyString (PrintableNonEmptyString (..))

it "Can read any `Int` value from the environment" $ do
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "`readEnvironmentVariable`" $ do
prop "Can read any `Int` value from the environment" $ \x -> do
let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_INT"
-- We execute `hedgehog` here in order to work in this randomized input monad where we can use
-- generators and create property tests.
hedgehog $ do
-- For all the values that an `Int` can be
value <- forAll Gen.enumBounded
-- Set our environment variable to the value we just generated. Note how the type
-- application here of `Int` is what decides for `forAll Gen.enumBounded` that we want to
-- generate an `Int` value.
liftIO $ setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) (show @Int value)
-- When we read the environment value back
result <- liftIO $ readEnvironmentVariable key
-- We should get the same value back
result === value

When this test is run we will get the same kind of output as before if there are no errors. In the
case where we have an error, however, we'll see more interesting output:


1) Qtility.Environment.`readEnvironmentVariable` Can read any `Int` value from the environment
<interactive> failed at test/Qtility/EnvironmentSpec.hs:82:9
after 1 test and 1 shrink.

┏━━ test/Qtility/EnvironmentSpec.hs ━━━
19 spec :: Spec
20 spec = do
21 describe "`readEnvironmentVariable`" $ do
22 it "Fails with an error if the environment variable is not set" $ do
23 readEnvironmentVariable @String (EnvironmentKey "NOT_SET")
24 `shouldThrow` (== ReadEnvironmentMissingValue (EnvironmentKey "NOT_SET"))
26 it "Succeeds if we set the variable first" $ do
27 let key = EnvironmentKey "SET"
28 setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) "VALUE"
29 readEnvironmentVariable @String key `shouldReturn` "VALUE"
31 it "Can read `Text` values correctly" $ do
32 let key = EnvironmentKey "TEXT"
33 setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) "VALUE"
34 readEnvironmentVariable @Text key `shouldReturn` "VALUE"
76 it "Can read any `Int` value from the environment" $ do
77 let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_INT"
78 hedgehog $ do
79 value <- forAll Gen.enumBounded
80 liftIO $ setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) (show @Int (value + 1))
81 result <- liftIO $ readEnvironmentVariable key
82 result === value
━━━ Failed (- lhs) (+ rhs) ━━━
- -9223372036854775807
+ -9223372036854775808

This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheck (Size 0) (Seed 11703610880303394415 16113510040565526611) <property>

Randomized with seed 2124290712
setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) (show x)
readEnvironmentVariable @Int key `shouldReturn` x

prop "Can read any `Double` value from the environment" $ \d -> do
let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_DOUBLE"
setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) (show d)
readEnvironmentVariable @Double key `shouldReturn` d

prop "Can read any `Bool` value from the environment" $ \b -> do
let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_BOOL"
setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) (show b)
readEnvironmentVariable @Bool key `shouldReturn` b

We can see from the output that Hedgehog has intelligently generated random values and that after it
has found an error, it also tries to find other values that cause the error. This is a very useful
attribute because it will allow you, very often, to find simpler inputs that display the issue you
are looking at. Despite the input to your functions being random, it will try to humanize the result
so that you can more easily work with them.
If we try to generate a random text string to test with, we will run into a problem. We do not
allow empty values to be returned from the environment and our tests will randomly be generated
with empty strings. On top of that we are really only concerned with printable strings in our
functions, so we only want those to be generated for testing.

## Considerations for testing
### `Arbitrary`

While it's hard to recommend changing code in order to be able to test it, it can be very useful to
consider which code we can test more easily and to find a balance where we are able to work
intuitively with things and still be able to test them.

Many people have tried to work with what's colloquially called the
[*Command Pattern*]( and this can be hard to justify
if you're not already using it for other purposes. While it's true that this is a very easily tested
pattern, basing your entire design around it could be considered missing the point. It's worth
considering this type of pattern if you can see other upsides to it, however.

### Find a testable core

If you cannot readily test the entire functionality of something, find a more easily testable core
and split it out into a pure function. We know intuitively that pure functions, calculations from
one value another, are easily testable. Try to encode the piece you want to test as a matter of
input and output without involving any side effects.

### Encoding your effects as type classes

Let's say we have the following function:
In order to generate values for our tests `QuickCheck` uses the `Arbitrary` type class:

handleSignup :: (MonadIO m) => User -> m ()
class Arbitrary a where
arbitrary :: Gen a
shrink :: a -> [a]
shrink _ = []

The internal logic of this function is not super important, but let's say that we use MailChimp
behind the scenes to handle adding a user to a mailing list, among other things. If we wanted to
test this function, it could prove challenging. We could take the mailing list addition action
(presumably something like `addToMailingList :: Email -> m ()`) as a parameter and swap that action
out in tests. This can get very tedious if we have several effects and several places.
The only thing we have to do when we want an `Arbitrary` instance is to figure out how to generate
our type via `Gen`. `QuickCheck` already has extensive understanding of many of the types that we
could use to build up our own types, so generally this becomes a matter of building up lists,
characters, etc. and then using them to construct our type.

One model is instead to describe our mailing list effects as a type class:
Let's create a test for our `Text` and see what happens if we don't already have our custom type:

class MailingListModify m where
addToMailingList :: Email -> m ()
prop "Can read any `Text` value that is not empty from the environment" $
\s -> do
let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_TEXT"
setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) s
readEnvironmentVariable @Text key `shouldReturn` Text.pack s

The `handleSignup` function uses this `addToMailingList` function internally just as it would any
other function that accomplishes the same thing, and it specifies that the monad has support for
modifying mailing lists:
The output:

handleSignup :: (MailingListModify m, MonadIO m) => User -> m ()

1) Qtility.Environment.`readEnvironmentVariable` Can read any `Text` value that is not empty from the environment
uncaught exception: ReadEnvironmentVariableError
ReadEnvironmentMissingValue (EnvironmentKey {_unEnvironmentKey = "ANY_TEXT"})
(after 1 test)

Our implementation for our normal application monad will look exactly the same as our previous one;
we call a function that very likely works in `IO`/`MonadIO` and that's it:
We can guarantee that our string is not empty by generating a character plus a string, then
prepending the character onto the string:

instance MailingListModify AppMonad where
addToMailingList = MailChimp.addToMailingList
prop "Can read any `Text` value that is not empty from the environment" $
\c s -> do
let key = EnvironmentKey "ANY_TEXT"
value = c : s
setEnv (_unEnvironmentKey key) value
readEnvironmentVariable @Text key `shouldReturn` Text.pack value

For testing purposes we will implement a piece of state and a testing monad, that we will use to
implement a mocked version of the above:
Now we run into another issue, however:

data TestState = TestState
{ mailingListRef :: IORef (Set Email)

newtype TestMonad a = TestMonad {runTestMonad :: RIO TestState a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader TestState, MonadIO)
1) Qtility.Environment.`readEnvironmentVariable` Can read any `Text` value that is not empty from the environment
Falsifiable (after 8 tests and 4 shrinks):
expected: "a\NUL"
but got: "a"

We can see that we are getting a `NUL` byte in our string, because that is indeed a valid character
in a string. Our tests are not concerned with these, however, so we would like a way to not
generate these. We can do this by defining a type to represent the kind of string we want as well
as an instance of `Arbitrary` for it:

instance MailingListModify TestMonad where
addToMailingList email = do
list <- asks mailingListRef
liftIO $ modifyIORef' list (Set.insert email)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), PrintableString (..), arbitraryPrintableChar)

newtype PrintableNonEmptyString =
PrintableNonEmptyString {unPrintableNonEmptyString :: PrintableString}
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary PrintableNonEmptyString where
arbitrary = do
c <- arbitraryPrintableChar
-- `PrintableString` is an already existing type that will guide generation of
-- only printable characters.
(PrintableString cs) <- arbitrary
c & (: cs) & PrintableString & PrintableNonEmptyString & pure

Our test monad implementation simply puts the requested e-mail address into a set that we reference
via a `IORef`. This allows us to later query the reference to see what is in it.
### Exercises (Property testing)

We want to test that `handleSignup` adds the user to the mailing list, so let's write a test for
1. Write a function that uppercases the first character in a `Text` as well as property tests that
verify that it does the correct thing.

module LibrarySpec where
2. Create types called `UpperCaseCharacter` and `LowerCaseCharacter` and instances of `Arbitrary`
for them that will only generate characters of the correct casing.

import Library
import RIO
import qualified RIO.Set as Set
import Test.Hspec
3. Write a property test ensuring that `clamp` never returns values outside of its given range:

spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "`handleSignup`" $ do
it "should add a user to the mailing list" $ do
mailingListRef <- newIORef Set.empty
let testState = TestState {mailingListRef}
user = User {_userName = "rickard", _userEmail = Email "[email protected]"}
runRIO testState $ runTestMonad $ handleSignup user
readIORef mailingListRef `shouldReturn` Set.singleton (_userEmail user)
clamp :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
clamp lowerBound upperBound v = undefined

We now have a version of our function where we didn't need to change any of the runtime behavior of
it and fundamentally the interface has remained essentially the same; we've just added the fact that
we are modifying mailing lists as an explicit effect via type classes. This has then enabled us to
implement this functionality for a testing monad that we can use to inspect the results of our

It's important to keep in mind that when we test like this, we are not testing whether or not we can
add users to mailing lists, but rather that `handleSignup` adds users to mailing lists. We've
mocked the functionality of adding the user, so fundamentally that part is essentially useless to
test. We are testing the intent of `handleSignup` to add a user to the mailing list, not whether our
mailing list addition code works.
4. Create a type called `NonEmptyText` and an instance of `Arbitrary` for it.

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