autoflake >= 1.5.0 supports pyproject.toml! You no longer need this wrapper! Thank you autoflake-team!
pyproject-autoflake (pautoflake), a monkey patching wrapper to connect autoflake with pyproject.toml configuration.
The original autoflake does not support configuration files such as pyproject.toml. This is slightly inconvenient for modern Python development.
pautoflake is a thin wrapper library that calls autoflake with a configuration read from pyproject.toml.
pyproject-autoflake is inspired by pyproject-flake8. Many thanks! 😉
pip install pyproject-autoflake
poetry add -D pyproject-autoflake
At first, you add [tool.autoflake]
in your pyproject.toml.
# pyproject.toml
# return error code if changes are needed
check = false
# make changes to files instead of printing diffs
in-place = true
# drill down directories recursively
recursive = true
# exclude file/directory names that match these comma-separated globs
exclude = "<GLOBS>"
# by default, only unused standard library imports are removed; specify a comma-separated list of additional
# modules/packages
imports = "<IMPORTS>"
# expand wildcard star imports with undefined names; this only triggers if there is only one star import in
# the file; this is skipped if there are any uses of `__all__` or `del` in the file
expand-star-imports = true
# remove all unused imports (not just those from the standard library)
remove-all-unused-imports = true
# exclude when removing unused imports
ignore-init-module-imports = true
# remove all duplicate keys in objects
remove-duplicate-keys = true
# remove unused variables
remove-unused-variables = true
# print more verbose logs (larger numbers are more verbose)
verbose = 0
Second, you call pautoflake.
pyproject-autoflake supports pre-commit.
# .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: 1.0.2 # or later. You can update by `pre-commit autoupdate`
- id: pautoflake