An example of a react project using:
- material-ui
- redux
- redux-saga
- whatwg-fetch
Test & Linter
- enzyme
- eslint-config-airbnb
- fetch-mock
- redux-mock-store
- redux-saga-test-plan
Clone the repository, install the packages and run the app.
git clone
cd react-example
npm install
npm start
The app is now accessible at http://localhost:3000
The app has only one container which access the store and dispatch the actions
This component is called in the main container and it renders a profile component for each stock
Displays the stock information and renders the profileDetails with more details
Displays stock
details received from profile
All of the tests are located under __test__ and its mocked data located under __mocks__
To run the tests
npm test
To see the coverage
npm test -- --coverage
npm run deploy