- Generate realtime force layout using the data
- Toggle higlighting a particular node
- Search for a node using autocomplete
- Change the breaklink throshold and see changes in the realtime
- Toggle label a particular node
- Automatic tooltip toogling on the basis of labels
import GRAPH_DATA from "../../dataForMoviesAndActorsWithLessData";
import GRAPH_DATA from "../../dataForMoviesAndActors";
in Main.js (Main component file)
- http://www.coppelia.io/2014/07/an-a-to-z-of-extra-features-for-the-d3-force-layout/
- B - The threshold link breaking should be enabled (based on the strength of the link)
- H - enable the highlighting thing which shows only the relevant & connected neighbours
- L - You have to apply labels, but there should a toggle button to switch on and off the labels
- P - Enable pinning of the nodes
- S - Enable search of the node
- T - Enable tool tip (when the labels are off)
- Deployments for every commits using now.sh
- Uses eslint and prettier for linting and formatting with pre-commit hook
- CSS is written using using CSS modules
- Made some TODOs for the remaining functionalities
⭐ this repo
Raise an issue!
MIT © rajatvijay