Deprecated: See this example for a better solution
Ext JS 5 trigger implementation that adds a clear icon to textfields and comboboxes. A click on this icon clears the value of the field.
See an online demo:
Add a clear trigger to a textfield that is only visible when the field has a value/text
{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'aSimpleTextField', fieldLabel: 'A textfield', triggers: { clear: { type: 'clear' } } }
Add a clear trigger to a combobox that is always visible
{ xtype: 'combobox', displayField: 'label', valueField: 'value', store: store, triggers: { clear: { type: 'clear', hideWhenEmpty: false } } }
Add a clear trigger to a textfield that is only visible when the field has a value and the mouse hovers over the field
{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'aSimpleTextField', fieldLabel: 'A textfield', triggers: { clear: { type: 'clear', hideWhenMouseOut: true } } }
Clear the value of the field with ESC
{ xtype: 'textfield', name: 'aSimpleTextField', fieldLabel: 'A textfield', triggers: { clear: { type: 'clear', clearOnEscape: true } } }