Webpack 5 boilerplate with support of most common loaders and modules:
- Webpack 5
- html template
- imports images, fonts.
- sass, css modules with automatic typescript declaration
- postcss loader
- generates source maps for development.
- Dev and Prod config
- Bundle analyzer
- Suppor for enviroment variables
- Babel
- preset-env
- preset react
- babel/preset-typescript
- React
- new JSX transform (no need to import react for using jsx)
- with react support (also with react-refresh)
- Typescript support
- Prettier
- Webpack dev server
- Husky prehooks for prettier format and lint with lint-staged
- eslint config:
- eslint:recommended
- react-hooks/recommended
- eslint-config-prettier
- typescript-eslint/recommended
- testing-library/react
- jest-dom/recommended
- Jest config:
- js-dom
- testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect
- indentity-obj-proxy for css modules
- jest typehead plugin
Click on the Use this template
green button at the top - this will make a new github repo with clean commit history. Then clone it and install dependencies:
npm i
npm start
You can view the development server at localhost:8080
npm run build:prod
Production files goes to /dist folder
npm run build:dev
Production files goes to /dist folder
npm run build:perf
helps to inspect the bundle
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.