Doks third party API client. Doks website:
Install from npm (not available yet):
npm install doks-api-client
import { DoksApiClient } from 'doks-api-client';
Please consult Doks to get your email
and apikey
for API usage.
Since v1.4.0 allows using cacheable-lookup with either internal or external dns cache. Make sure you are using cacheable-lookup@5
which is compatible with got@11
that is used.
const dnsCache = new CacheableLookup();
const doks = new DoksApiClient({
apikey: 'doks-api-key-here',
email: 'api-user-email-here',
// optional
apiVersion: 'v1.89', // lock api version
apiBaseUrl: 'https://url', // change base url, defaults to
// Optional: keep alive agent
keepAliveAgent: true,
// Optional: DNS cache
dnsCache: true
You can find properties for each resource from src/interfaces.ts
const exampleCustomerId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';
const exampleIdentificationId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';
const exampleRequestId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';
// Get all customers
const customers = await doks.getCustomers();
// Get single customer
const customer = await doks.getCustomerById(exampleCustomerId);
// Create customer (see src/interfaces.ts for available properties)
const newCustomer = await doks.createCustomer({
businessid: '1234567-8',
name: 'Example Oy',
country: 'fi',
type: 'business'
// Filter customers and return only needed fields
const customers = await doks.getCustomersByFilters(
// Filtered fields
{ businessid: '1234567-8' },
// Returned fields
['name', 'businessid']
// Get customer identifications
const identifications = await doks.getIdentificationsByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId);
// Create identification
const newIdentification = await doks.createIdentificationByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId, {
name: 'Person Name',
email: '[email protected]'
// other specs
// Send identification
const sentIdentification = await doks.sendIdentificationByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId,;
// Get single identification
const identification = await doks.getIdentificationByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId,;
// Get customer information requests
const informationRequests = await doks.getInformationRequestsByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId);
// Create information request
const newInformationRequest = await doks.createInformationRequestByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId, {
email: '[email protected]',
ask_riskquestions: true
// other specs
// Send information request
const sentInformationRequest = await doks.sendInformationRequestByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId,;
// Get single information request
const informationRequest = await doks.getInformationRequestByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId,;
// Create owner, responsible person, pep, actual beneficiary
const owner = await doks.createOwnerByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const responsiblePerson = await doks.createResponsiblePersonByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const pep = await doks.createPepByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const actualBeneficiary = await doks.createActualBeneficiaryBycustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
// Get owners, responsible persons, peps, actual beneficiaries
const owners = await doks.getOwnersByCustomerId('customer_id');
const responsiblePerson = await doks.getResponsiblePersonsByCustomerId('customer_id');
const pep = await doks.getPepsByCustomerId('customer_id');
const actualBeneficiary = await doks.getActualBeneficiariesByCustomerId('customer_id');
// Get API user details
const apiUser = await doks.getAPIUser();
// Get user details by ID
const user = await doks.getUserById('user_id');
// Update user details (note! requires whole user resource fetched by getAPIUser or getUserById)
await doks.updateUser(user);
Contains some helpers for handling customers details.
// Validate business id
const validBusinessId = doks.isValidBusinessId('1234567-8'); // true or false