I created a competitions web application to create and take quizzes in several categories and make a competition between more than one team. And in the end the team who have highest score wins.
The main components in front-end are:
- Home page
- Login/Logout
- The categories page in which there are listed all of the different categories and where you can filter questions by different categories
- The questions page in which there are listed questions
- The question page in which there are question title and all answers
- The score page which displays all teams sorted by score and show the winner
The main components in back-end are:
- Dashboard which the admin can add or edit questions and add answers for each question
- Login/Logout/Register
The page is not similar to anything we have already created. It's not a social media app nor an e-commerce. It's not similar to other years projects either.
In terms of complexity, The app devided in to two parts back-end and front end. In back-end i used Djando for create the dashboard and Django REST framework to create the end-points. In front-end i used Reactjs where i developed the web as Single-page application.
In back-end folder there is quiz app where contains views.py there is all of the backend code. The main functions are:
- View_questions function the end point that return all questions
- View_question function the end point that return details for each question
- question_list function to list all questions in home page in the dashboard
- question_v function to display the question in details
- new_question function to create new question
- update_question function to edit specific question
- add_answer function to add new answer
- update_answer function to edit the answer
- delete_answer function to delete the answer
- category function to filter the questions by the category
- login_view for login
- logout_view for logout
- register for register
In back-end folder there is quiz app where contains Models.py. The different models are:
- A users model
- Question model for questions
- Answer model
- TokenCreate to generate the tokens
In In back-end folder there is quiz app where contains:
- serializers.py that contain all serializers
- urls.py that contain all paths
- form.py that contain all forms
- Templates for all of the different html pages explained above ( including a include folder which contain the header sidebar and footer, In layout folder in which there are base)
- Other less important files like urls, admin, settings, static images demo...
Front-end folder contains:-
- App.js which the main file where contains teams names and scores and all components
- Components folder which contains all components such as timer auth form navbar
- Pages folder which contains:
- Auth.jsx the page contain login form
- category.jsx the page that list all categories and filter question by the category
- creat-teams.jsx the page that generate the number of teams according to the number that enterd by admin
- question.jsx the page that list all questions
- questionDet.jsx the page that display question and all answers
- showScore.jsx page which displays all teams sorted by score and show the winner
- Context folder which store all data that comes from back-end
- In back-end:
- Install project dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make and apply migrations by running python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate.
- In front-end:
- Install project dependencies by running npm install