parsing string query 'foo:bar baz:boo' to [['foo', '=', 'bar'], ['baz', '=', 'boo']] that can be used for search operations
add in composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
composer require ravindra21/text-query
publish config/text_query.php
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=text-query
use Ravindra21\TextQuery\TextQuery
TextQuery::encode(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'boo']);
$query = 'foo:bar baz:boo';
$defaultKey = [''];
$rule = [
"name" => [
'stritch' => false,
'allowedPerimeter' => [':'],
'as' => ''
"date" => [
'stritch' => true,
'allowedPerimeter' => [':', ">", '<'],
'as' => 'day(birthday)'
TextQuery::decode($query, $rule, $defaultKey);
$defaultKey -> when query 'random text age:20', search 'random text' by column that specifies in $defaultKey
stritch -> if false translate ':' to 'LIKE' and add prefix and suffix '%' in the translated query value. if true, translate ':' to '='
allowedPerimeter -> allowed perimeter in query text 'name:a age<2 age>3'
as -> convert $rule key as already declared value