Exploration of Dataset : Fordgobike-tripdata
Communication Data is python based project usning matplotlib , pandas , scipy and seaborn in order to explore , and get insights about Fordgobike-tripdata . The Dataset represent History of Bike trips .
- duration_sec ( Trip duration in seconds)
- start Time (Time which Trip started)
- start Station Name , ID , Latitude and Longitude
- end Time (Time which Trip ended)
- end Station Name , ID , Latitude and Longitude
- bike ID
- user Type (Customer = 24-hour pass or 3-day pass user; Subscriber = Annual Member)
- member_birth_year and gender (Zero = unknown, 1 = male, 2 = female)
- bike_share_for_all_trip
fordgobike-tripdata is dataset for bike trips in 2/2019 which have some features like user gender , user type , day and location of trip and timestamp
I summerized my isights and visyalize some univariate and bivarient features in presentation , i add Age ,Gender , usertype and trip duration distribution , average trip duration per day .
Almost all riders are of age from 25 to 35 years old
Most of riders are mens as more than 50% of records are males
Almost all the riders are Subscribers 90.5%
(Average Trip duration per day)
Average trip duration is the same for weekdays or weekends which have less number of trips
(Trip Duration distribution)
Most trips takes about 1000 to 1500 seconds as average and as trip duratio decrease trip becomes more useful .