Demo -
Browse over 1000 PBR materials from and use as MeshStandardMaterial
or MeshStandardMaterial
in three.js.
Copy the files cc0_threejs_loader.js and cc0textures_helper.js to your project.
Sample load material directly from the link (Get it from
var mesh;
var loader = new CC0MaterialLoader();
loader.load('', (params)=>{
mesh.material = new MeshStandardMaterial(params);
// or
mesh.material = new MeshPhysicalMaterial(params);
You can also use indirect link like:
It is possible to preload the data and find materials and create dynamic links (like in the example). The get complete data from src/data
var mesh;
var materials_data = `Ground019,01fsyirl,1K-JPG|1K-PNG\nTiles064,nzs0hgad,1K-JPG\nRocks005,fsrk453n,1K-JPG`;
var loader = new CC0MaterialLoader(new THREE.LoadingManager(), materials_data);
loader.findAndLoad('ground', (params)=>{
mesh.material = new MeshStandardMaterial(params);
// or
mesh.material = new MeshPhysicalMaterial(params);