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(From Wikipedia) Entity–component–system (ECS) is a software architectural pattern mostly used in video game development for the representation of game world objects. An ECS comprises entities composed from components of data, with systems which operate on the components.

Quick start

npm i bim-ecs@latest

import { defineSystem, EcsComponent, EcsEvent, EcsWorld, startup } from 'bim-ecs';

// Components
class NameComponent extends EcsComponent<string> {}
class AgeComponent extends EcsComponent<number> {}
class HumanComponent extends EcsComponent {}
class AnimalComponent extends EcsComponent {}

// Events
const CLICKED_EVENT = Symbol('CLICKED_EVENT') as EcsEvent<PointerEvent>

// Systems
const initDataSystem = defineSystem('init data', ({ entities }) => {
  entities.spawn(new HumanComponent(), new NameComponent('Fred'), new AgeComponent(35))
  entities.spawn(new HumanComponent(), new NameComponent('Janett'), new AgeComponent(26))
  entities.spawn(new AnimalComponent(), new NameComponent('Teddy'), new AgeComponent(3))
}, startup)

const initInteractionsSystem = defineSystem('init interactions', ({ bus }) => {
  document.addEventListener('click', (e) => bus.publish(CLICKED_EVENT, e))
}, startup)

const listHumansSystem = defineSystem('list humans', ({ entities }) => {
  const humanEntities = entities.query(() => [HumanComponent])
  for (const entity of humanEntities) {
    console.log('Humans', Array.from(entities.componentsOf(entity).values()))

/** World instance */
const world = new EcsWorld()

What this ECS implementation is designed for :

  • Modularisation
  • Entities querying on a large amount of data (byteECS is doing a very nice job on this but doesn't have required feature + component values cannot be strings)
  • Components value indexing (WIP)
  • Advanced systems scheduling

What this ECS implementation is NOT designed for :

The architecture of this project has been built as a requirement for the BIM project at "Etat de Genève". This means some features are required, others are nice to have, and some are unwanted, because readability may be more important than performances in some cases and vice versa.

Example : Systems parallelization

Generally speaking, systems runtime is not critical for the project this ECS implementation has been written for. However, some optimizations in the implementation are highly possible seamlessly without being counter-productive toward the original purposes.

Structure overview

BIM-ECS implements a world, hosting Entities, Components and systems.
Entities are fetched from world using queries.
Additional features such as Resources, Scheduler, EventBus adds convenient mechanisms to interact with the world and your application.

flowchart LR

    Schedulers -.- EventBus(["EventBus"])

Show me the code :

//TODO: show entities/components

import { EcsWorld } from './world';
import { defineSystem } from './systems/define-system';
import { startup, timer } from './scheduling';
import { after } from './scheduling/after';
import type { EcsEvent } from './event-bus';
import { on } from './scheduling/on';
import { EcsResource } from './resources';

/** world instance */
const world = new EcsWorld({ verbose: true });

/** Counter state resource */
class CounterResource extends EcsResource {
  constructor(public value = 0) {

// Event handling
const clickEvent = Symbol('clickEvent') as EcsEvent<{ boost: 20 }>;
document.addEventListener('click', () => world.bus.publish(clickEvent, { boost: 20 }));

// Systems
const initSystem = defineSystem(
  ({ container }) => {
    console.log('Hello init');
    container.register(new CounterResource(5));
  startup, // At startup

const initSystem2 = defineSystem(
  'init 2',
  () => {
    console.log('Hello init 2');
  after(initSystem), // After init system has finished (supports async predecessor)

const pollSystem = defineSystem(
  ({ container }) => {
    console.log('I am polling, counter value is: ', container.resolve(CounterResource).value++);
  timer(1000), // Each second

const handleClickSystem = defineSystem(
  'handle click',
  ({ container }, { payload }) => {
    console.log('boost counter', payload, (container.resolve(CounterResource).value += payload.boost));
  on(clickEvent), // On browser page click

// Registration

// World activation;

Démo projects

A démo project is part of this monorepo (many others to come hopefully :-).
Checkout the "ECS- Arkanoid" source code to see ECS library in action:


Systems structure (cf. tooling) :

Run the project on local machine :
From the root folder,

  • npm install
  • npm run demo:arkanoid


A (for now) very pragmatic Chromium extension has been created within this project to help debugging ECS projets. For now, it only represents the systems structure of the ECS world as a graph:

ECS plugin system mapping.png


ECS root instance.
Every instance within an EcsWorld has its life cycle tied to it.
The whole API is also available from this root.


Entities are actually indexes from which components are linked. EntityPool world instance is used to handle life cycle

Creating a new entity

This creates 2 entities within the world

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { EcsComponent } from './component';

class Person extends EcsComponent {}
class Animal extends EcsComponent {}
class NameComponent extends EcsComponent<string> {}

const world = new EcsWorld();
world.entities.spawn(new Person(), new NameComponent('Bob'));
world.entities.spawn(new Animal(), new NameComponent('Foxy'));

Removing an entity

This creates 2 entities within the world and removes foxy

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { EcsComponent } from './component';

class Person extends EcsComponent {}
class Animal extends EcsComponent {}
class NameComponent extends EcsComponent<string> {}

const world = new EcsWorld();
world.entities.spawn(new Person(), new NameComponent('Bob'));
const foxyEntity = world.entities.spawn(new Animal(), new NameComponent('Foxy'));

// Microtask delay here


Fetching entity components

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { EcsComponent } from './component';

class Person extends EcsComponent {}
class Name extends EcsComponent<string> {}

const world = new EcsWorld();
const person = world.entities.spawn(new Person(), new Name('Bob'));

const components = world.entities.componentsOf(personn);
const personNameValue = components.get(Name)!.value;

Updating entity composition

This transforms foxy into a person

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { EcsComponent } from './component';

class Person extends EcsComponent {}
class Animal extends EcsComponent {}
class Name extends EcsComponent<string> {}

const world = new EcsWorld();
world.entities.spawn(new Person(), new Name('Bob'));
const foxyEntity = world.entities.spawn(new Animal(), new Name('Foxy'));

// Microtask delay here

world.entities.removeComponentFromEntity(foxyEntity, Animal);
world.entities.addComponentToEntity(foxyEntity, new Person() /* Instance could also have been eventually reused*/);


// TODO finalize implementation

ECS components inherit EcsComponent<TValue> class or derived. There are basically 3 kind of base classes provided by the library:

  • EcsComponent<TValue> (with TValue = void by default) stands for an immutable component
  • EcsMutableComponent<TValue> (with mandatory TValue) stands for a component with a mutable value. This mutation can be used to schedule systems handling this mutation for instance (WIP)
  • EcsIndexedComponent<TValue> (with mandatory TValue) stands for a component with an immutable value which can be used in queries (WIP)

Important current limitation: The current ECS implementation can handle a limited combinations of archetypes. Combinations are using bits masking through UInt32Array. The size of these arrays are fix for now and may be dynamic in the future. Queries performance is directly impacted by the size of this array. For now, default size is pretty bix (about 16 / 32 combinations).
A config parameter should at least be exposed in world construction.
To be finalized...


Basics of querying

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { EcsComponent } from './component';
import { defineQuery } from './define-query';

const world = new EcsWorld();

// Components
class Person extends EcsComponent {}
class Animal extends EcsComponent {}
class Name extends EcsComponent<string> {}

// Entities
world.entities.spawn(new Person(), new Name('Bob'));
world.entities.spawn(new Animal(), new Name('Foxy'));

// New query usage target
world.query.execute(() => [Component1, Component2]);
world.query.execute(({ without }) => [Component1, without(Component2)]);
world.query.execute(({ withValue }) => [Component1, withValue(Component2, 'foo')]);

Query processing details

Queries and entities are preprocessed and categorized by archetype to maximize execution and reduce redundant operations.



Handles systems scheduling.

Scheduling extends Scheduler. It is used by system runner to trigger systems at predefined time.
At its core, it uses AsyncIterator to create "ticks" on which associated systems are triggered.

Existing schedulers


This is the most basic scheduler, triggering once when the world is started.

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { startup } from './startup';

  () => {
    // implementation here
  startup, // Triggers the system only once at world startup

This scheduler is triggering a Date.Now() each specified interval. Interval is specified as a parameter.

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { timer } from './timer';

  () => {
    // implementation here
  timer(500), // Triggers the system every 500ms

This scheduler triggers each frame

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { frame } from './frame';

  () => {
    // implementation here
  frame, // Triggers the system every frame

This scheduler when the specified event is fired within the world event bus

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { on } from './on';
import { EcsEvent } from './ecs-event';

const FOO_EVENT = Symbol('foo event') as EcsEvent<number>;

  (_, { payload }) => {
    // payload is the event args (of type number in this case) the event has been fired with
    // implementation here
  on(FOO_EVENT), // Triggers the system whenever the event is fired from world event bus

This scheduler is triggered whenever specified system has finished processing

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { after } from './after';

const system1 = defineSystem(/* System parameters here */);
  () => {
    // implementation here
  after(system1), // Triggers the system each time the system1 has finished being processed

Multiple systems can be specified. A combination option can be set (default value is or)

import { defineSystem } from './define-system';
import { after } from './after';

  () => {
    // implementation here
  after([system1, system2], {
    combination: 'and', // Triggers the system each time the system1 AND system2 have been BOTH processed

Scheduler modifiers


Scheduler can be aggregated this way:

import { compose } from './compose';

compose(scheduler1, scheduler2); // Creates a scheduler combining scheduler1 and scheduler2 ticks

Scheduler can be debounced this way:

import { debounce } from './debounce';

debounce(scheduler1, 10); // Resulting scheduler won't tick until scheduler1 separates its own ticks with at least 10ms

Scheduler can be filtered this way:

import { when } from './when';

debounce((world) => {
  // Prepare here (container resolution for instance)
  return () => computePredicate(); // Process filter here
}, scheduler1); // Resulting scheduler won't tick if predicate result is falsy


Handles world resources definition and injection.
The ResourceContainer class provides a mechanism for resolving and managing instances of resources.
It supports both lazy creation of resources and registration of pre-existing resource instances.

Basic usage

import { EcsResource } from './ecs-resource';

const resourceContainer = new ResourceContainer();

class MyResource extends EcsResourceResource {}

const myResourceInstance = resourceContainer.resolve(MyResource); // Creates and returns a new instance of MyResource
const sameResourceInstance = resourceContainer.resolve(MyResource); // Returns the existing instance of MyResource

##3 Resources Factory

An EcsResourceFactory<TResource> is also provided to handle special cases such has nested dependency injection.
For instance, let's consider FooResource, a class in which I want BarResource being injected. I can leverage EcsResourceFactory

class FooResource {
  constructor(private readonly barResource: BarResource) {}


Handles pub/sub mechanism within a world instance.

The EventBus class provides a simple event management system for subscribing to and publishing events. It supports type-safe event keys and allows handlers to be subscribed and unsubscribed dynamically.

By using EcsEvent symbols and generic types, it ensures that events are handled in a type-safe manner.
The subscribe method allows handlers to be added and returns a dispose function for easy un-subscription, while the publish method notifies all subscribed handlers with the event data.

Basic usage:

// Define some event keys
import { EcsEvent } from './ecs-event';

const eventA = Symbol('eventA') as EcsEvent<string>;
const eventB = Symbol('eventB') as EcsEvent<number>;

// Create an event bus instance
const eventBus = new EventBus();

// Subscribe to events
const unsubscribeA = eventBus.subscribe(eventA, (value: string) => {
  console.log('Event A received:', value);
const unsubscribeB = eventBus.subscribe(eventB, (value: number) => {
  console.log('Event B received:', value);

// Publish events
eventBus.publish(eventA, 'Hello, Event A!');
eventBus.publish(eventB, 42);

// Unsubscribe from events

// Publish events again to see if handlers are removed
eventBus.publish(eventA, 'Hello again, Event A!');
eventBus.publish(eventB, 84);


Plugins can be used to package features connected to EcsWorld:

import { EcsPlugin } from './ecs-plugin';

const FooPlugin: EcsPlugin = (world) => {
  // Systems registration

  // Queries registration

  // Resources declaration
  world.container.register(FooResource, new FooResource('foo'));

  // Event handling, ect...

Registered on to world instance this way:

import { EcsWorld } from './ecs-world';
import { FooPlugin } from './foo-plugin';

/** Ecs world instance */
const world = new EcsWorld();

// Plugin registration

Performances consideration

The bim-ecs library is optimized primarily for fast querying. Any read/write/update operation on entity updates some indexes tables to guaranty fast query result as possible, with the cost of the indexes tables update.

Components addition/removal is the slowest operation in the library: Prefer spawning entities with the whole component set instead of creating an entity and updating it afterward.

If for some reason this is not possible (example: Some components could contain some reference to spawned entities -> These reference components should probably be added once entities are spawned), an initialization session can be open to reduce entity mutation overhead:

import { EcsWorld } from 'bim-ecs';

const world = new EcsWorld()

  // Init session scope
  using _ = world.openInitSession()

  const entity = world.entities.spawn([new MyComponent1('foo')])
  // [...]
  world.entities.addComponent(new MyComponent2('bar')) // <- Very fast in this context
  // End of init session scope

// world is running normally from here

This initSession scope should only be used for entity initialization.

  • Entity spawning
  • Components associations (only for entities added during this scope !)

Some operations are not available during the session and should not be attempted :

  • Querying
  • Entity deletion

How to contribute

If your project match our needs, you may be interested in some additional features or improvements. As such, contribution is very welcome.
If this library is currently used for "État de Genève" BIM project, there are still things to maturate, nice features to add, tools to enhance and issues to find.

In any case, feel free to create an issue or a pull request if you have any feedback or suggestion about the current implementation.
It definitely helps and these will be considered with care !

NPM publication

  • npm run sync-packages-versions
  • npm install
  • build all
  • npm publish --workspaces=true