Manage your CloudStack routers with Ansible (XEN, VMware).
Install this repo on a linux workstation which can SSH in to the cloudstack manamgent server. Ansible is configured to use the cloudstack managment server as a SSH jump host to SSH into the routers.
git clone on a linux machine having SSH access to the cloudstack managmement server.
git clone [email protected]:<your_handle>/ansible-cloudstack-routers.git
cd ansible-cloudstack-routers
pip install ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a cloudstack.ini in the working dir or a ~.cloudstack.ini in your $HOME having the admin keys:
cat $HOME/.cloudstack.ini
# admin keys!
endpoint =
key = cloudstack api key
secret = cloudstack api secret
Verify the access to the cloud:
cs listRouters
Verify the dynamic inventory also returns a json
./hosts/ --list
This is necessery for jump host configuration.
cp ssh.config.origin ssh.config
# Replace with your cloudstack managment server fqdn
sed -i 's/cloud\.example\.com/<cloudstack_fqdn>/g' ssh.config
# Modify ssh.config if routers are using an IP not in the network range e.g. for
sed -i 's/10\.\*/192\.168\.\*/g' ssh.config
# NOTE: I didn't find a way to use the private key from the jumphost.
# Copy the private ssh key from the cloudstack managment server locally
scp root@<cloudstack_fqdn>:/var/lib/cloud/management/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/<cloudstack_fqdn>_id_rsa
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/<cloudstack_fqdn>_id_rsa
Verify the access (use a linklocalip
from the command cs listRouters
ssh -F ssh.config 10.x.y.z
Get the output of the command uptime of all routers
ansible -a "uptime" all
Play a bit! Routers are dynamiclly grouped by project, account, domain, zone, non_redundant_routers, redundant_routers, redundant_backup_routers, redundant_master_routers. This allows to filter by groups.
ansible -a "uptime" <zone_name>
Limit on backup routers in a HA VR setup in dry-run:
ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml --limit redundant_backup_routers --check
Limit router for a project:
ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml --limit <project>