- Any changes to the company-wide Scala style should be made here
- Works with SBT 0.13.x and 1.x
- Overwrites the existing file if it already exists
- Add the following lines to
(use the latest version ofscalafmt-plugin
)credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials") resolvers += "Retention Science Releases" at "http://ci.wajao.com:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/" addSbtPlugin("com.retentionscience" % "scalafmt-plugin" % "x.x.x")
- The latest
file will be downloaded to the project's root directory on eachsbt update
- Verify IntelliJ is using
as the default Scala Code Formatter in Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Scala- Optionally check the box for
Reformat on file save
- Optionally check the box for